Posted in: Comics | Tagged: brian bendis, dc, naomi, young justice
Naomi #6 Cover Teases Young Justice Team-Up, Fresh DCU Perspective
On Monday, as Bleeding Cool gave faithful readers the first look at DC Comics' May solicitations more than a day before any other website (you're welcome), Leaker-in-Chief Rich Johnston wrote about the continuity in comics coming out in May written by "The Great One" Brian Bendis. In particular, he noted that Bendis, David Walker, and Jamal Campbell's Naomi seemed to be headed for a "continuity revelation." In the solicit for Naomi #5:
This is it. In this issue, all secrets are revealed! Who is Naomi? Where did she come from? What can she do? And what does it mean for the rest of the DC Universe? It's the one you've been waiting for from Bendis, Walker and Campbell.
"The Great One" is currently holding court on Reddit via the DC Comics official Reddit account, answering questions from readers in an AMA. And when asked by Redditor jephjo:
So any hints on the Olson and Lois series that have leaked?
What do you think of nightwing? I liked the spy route better but I think you would nail a nightwing book.
Do you or dc have more plans for Adam Strange, Question and Naomi? Also is there a wave 2 for wonder comics ?
Bendis replied, revealing that he likes to eat art created by Steve Epting:
Adam strange is in both ACTION COMICS and SUPERMAN! He is part of what is going on with Rogol Zaar, and is witness to a major catastrophe in LEVIATHAN RISING. Meanwhile, the Question is all over ACTION COMICS and is front and center in the big hinted at DC mystery event we are cooking for this summer. I posted some yummy Epting Question art on my Instagram this weekend!
Naomi's journey continues this Wednesday with issue 2. I can't tell you what a relief it is the people were so warm and generous about Naomi's debut. We are headed towards her second printing of the first issue. Here's the cover to issue six!
And he posted the following image from Campbell, which shows Naomi in the foreground alongside her Wonder Comics colleagues in Young Justice. And in the background, The Justice League and quite a few other DC heroes. Can you name them all?
Bendis spoke more about Naomi, answering this question from Redditor LaraOlyntho:
Hello Bendis , I've been loving Naomi and I was wondering if you have plans of getting her to interact with other super-heroines of color like Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) and Vixen. I think it would send a lovely message and they could act as mentors to her.
Also is the Justice League going to have a minor role in Leviathan? I've been dying to see you write Hawkgirl! I think you write strong female characters perfectly.
FIRST we have to meet Naomi's adopted parents, find out her last name (!!), and what her whole deal is THEN… Young Justice is gonna have a word. What David, Jamaal and I are so excited about with NAOMI is that the story starts so small but gets so big. Her secrets open up all kinds of story possibilities in the DC Universe.
And asked by Urbasebelong2meh:
Hey BMB, love your work—how far do you plan to take Naomi going forward? Are you trying to make her more or less contained in her own stories or will we be seeing her showing up more often years down the line, either under you or other writers?
With Jon still a few years older after his trip with grandpa Jor, will you be covering his established friendship with Damian through Super Sons and how that might change their dynamic? (Bit of a spoiler-y Question, so feel free to skip)
Speaking of Questions, with the character coming up in Action Comics, what are you using as a bar for how you're writing him? O'Neil's or some of the older/newer stuff?
In terms of your characterization of Superman lately, are there any stories/writers you're pulling from from inspiration in particular or are you trying to sort of make your own interpretation of the character?
Bendis responded:
To answer your question about NAOMI … as you can see from the just-released cover to issue 6, she is coming to be part of the DC Universe with a fresh perspective. I'm very excited to see what other writers do with her. I love what the writers are doing with Miles and Jessica, for example, I love sharing characters and seeing them move on past us.
And one more, from Redditor Kurenai24:
Thank you for taking the time to answer questions Mr. Bendis. My questions are:
I'm paraphrasing but I remember an interview where you mentioned that after issue #6 Naomi's series essentially becomes a different genre then what we're being shown now. So what can we expect from Naomi in the second half of the year?
Despite forum like spaces being echo chambers that try to make you like or dislike something, I very much like teenage Jon and all the potential he can bring, do you or (DC comics) have any plans for the character outside of the Superman books (e.g. solo, mini, Legion of Superheroes, etc)?
You've confirmed that Amethyst is getting her own book under the wonder comics imprint, is it gonna be a mini or an ongoing?
Will we get an announcement on the second wave of books coming out of Wonder Comics this year and if we do, will they all be previously shelved DC property or will at least one of the books be a new property like Naomi is.
Is Naomi gonna meet her favorite hero Superman (or any of Super family for that matter) any time soon?
To which Bendis said:
So many questions! I'll stick with the first one.
Issue six wraps the first NAOMI run. We're going to do it HELLBOY style because Jamal needs to take a break! David and I will be building the next part, but by issue four of this series you will see EXACTLY how different.
NAOMI 2 joins AMETHYST as a previously announced Wonder Comics season 2 book!
There will be more to come, and we're following the AMA so you don't have to (and so that we can get the clicks), so check back later for more news from "The Great One."