Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: batman and robin, dc comics
New Batman And Robin Comic From Josh Williamson & Simone Di Meo
DC Comics has annoucned a new Batman And Robin series launching in September from Josh Williamson and Simone Di Meo.
It's Batman And Robin time… At the MegaCon comic convention in Orlando, playing out alongside C2e2 in Chicago, DC Comics ran a panel with Geoff Johns, Josh Williamson, Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Simone Di Meo, and Mitch Gerads. And showed off a Dawn of DC trailer featuring artwork from Jeff Spokes that will appear during episodes of AEW Dynamite and AEW Rampage on TNT in May, as well as on HBO Max. Slightly dodgy language, I am not sure anyone wants to read an "initiative".
But that will include a new Batman And Robin series launching in September from Josh Williamson and Simone Di Meo, and as well as announcing it, they showed off a first look at the first issue's covers and interior artwork, with Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne.
And that also included designs for a Robin Mobile, Because that, it seems, is what Damian Wayne will be riding around Gotham. Say, is he even old enough to drive?
But it does suggest a lighter touch for the characters than the recent stories of Batman Vs Robin and Lazarus Planet that pitted the two against each other.
Damian Wayne, also known as Damian al Ghul was created by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert, son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, and has been established as the fifth Robin shortly after he returned to Bruce Wayne's life, though he first worked in that role alongside Dick Grayson as Batman. James Gunn has confirmed that Damian Wayne will make his live-action debut in the film The Brave and the Bold, produced by DC Studios. So that might be a reason DC are keen to get a Batman And Robin series going again. Oh and putting out a new Batman: The Brave and the Bold. by Mitch Gerads and Tom King as well, a retelling of the first bloody clash between The Joker and the Batman. "A tale of loathing, lies, and laughter, this may be the most frightening Joker story in a generation."