Marvel Comics' Ultimate Universe's solicits and solicitations for June 2025 include Incursion and Opposition
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, Comics, dc, grant morrison, morrisoncon, seaguy
New Pages For Absolute Final Crisis, Seaguy Vol 3 Before Multiversity And Two Issues Of All Star Batman Written – At MorrisonCon
Here are fifteen pieces of vital comics information, imparted by Bleeding Cool's TJ McDonald and Schedel Luitjen from MorrisonCon. A signed table from attendeed. And a post-coital Thor by Chris Burnham…
- There will be 10 new pages in Absolute Final Crisis, a huge battle scene formerly cut. New Final Crisis pages feature "Captain Carrot fighting zombies" etc.
- Stephanie Brown and Kathy Kane "still exist" in Chris Burnham's mind
- "What Happy is about is, I just got so mad at Simon Fuckin' Cowell." – Grant Morrison
- All that happened in Batman Inc vol 1 "still exists in our heads" – Grant Morrison
- Jim Lee "still has hope" for All Star Batman And Robin The Boy Wonder Volume 2. Frank Miller has scripted two issues.
- JH Williams III has his shirt cuffs monogrammed with "JH3." That is a sharp-dressed man.
- Grant Morrison will probably put some extra chapters cut from Supergods online
- We may see Seaguy vol 3 before we see Multiversity
- Grant Morrison is not happy with the Red concept being part of Animal Man as it had made him a second rate Swamp Thing
We will see Dr. Hurt again in Morrison's Batman comics
- Grant Morrison uses Gilette g3 razors on his head..
- JH3 is done drawing Batwoman in a few issues? It's sad, but onward and upward. He will continue writing
- "I am just a human being… I'm not a guru or a leader or a demigod of any kind." – Grant Morrison
- Chris Burnham's Nixon's Pals coming out in a hardcover color edition this year or next!
- "Last night I drank mead and stapled money to a woman's ass. Maybe today things will finally get weird" – Jason Aaron

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