Comics Archives

Free The Viz Media Retailer Discount!
Viz Media have offered retailers attending the Diamond Retailer Summit in Las Vegas an extra 8% discount on their top ten titles, including their best
The Future Of The Worlds Of Anomaly
The folks behind Anomaly, the immensive colour graphic novel that was heavy on the Augmented Reality are back. And were showing off what's to come at the
Breaking Nerd
 Kenneth Lamug is an award-winning indie author and illustrator currently working on an all-ages adventure comic book packed with hidden-object (think
Lumberjanes Goes Ongoing
We said there would be more to come on Lumberjanes this weekend and we were right. Hot on the heels on yesterday's news of the sellout of the massive
Booze Geek – Moonray And Moonknight
By Dylan Gonzalez Beer: Moonray Brewery: Terrapin Beer Co. Once in a while, you come across a beverage just a little more peculiar than the others and you