Comics Archives

41st Century Shake Up In Rai #14
Valiant has sent us an inside look at  RAI #14 – the next installment of "The Summer of 4001 A.D." from writer Matt Kindt (4001 A.D.) and artist CAFU
Making #Ironmansplaining A Thing…
From the recap page of tomorrow's Unbeatsble Squirrel Girl #7 by Ryan North, Erica Henderson and Rico Renzi. Sorry about that Tony. Completely making
Ben Templesmith For Sale
Ben Templesmith wants your money. And he knows just the way to get it. He writes. I've just put up a lof of larger pieces, important pieces and various
A Thank You To Comics Creatives
By Devon Sanders This is nothing more than what it is: A "Thank You." A thank you to the artists, inkers, writers, colorists and editors who simply put in