Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, david hine
Pop Culture Hounding Curt Pires, Ramon Villalobos And David Hine
Welcome to the regular Pop Culture Hound podcast, from Bleeding Cool contributor, Chris Thompson.
"In this week's episode, Taylor and I dissect the amazing indie comic LP by newcomers Curt Pires and Ramon Villalobos. Done in a similar style and ethos to Sam Humphries' Our Love Is Real, LP is a bold statement from two creators you should really keep an eye on. Curt even stops by to provide some background commentary after our Skype link-up fails.
From there I conduct another one of my famous pub chats with creator David Hine (Strange Embrace, Elephantmen, The Bulletproof Coffin). We discuss his writing technique, the upcoming Storm Dogs with Dougie Braithwaite, his gradual shift away from the Big Two to creator-owned projects, and what else is on the horizon. As always you can follow me on Twitter: @popculturehound and email:"
This episode's links:
Taylor Lilley Twitter: @CapelessT
Curt Pires Twitter: @CurtPires
David Hine Twitter: @HineDavid
David's blog: