Posted in: Comic Show, Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, convergence, entertainment, Fight Club 2
A Comic Show: The 1st Rule Of Fight Club 2 Is Read Fight Club 2
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes:
Hey Fandom, read Fight Club 2! It's by Fight Club the novel's writer, Chuck Palahniuk! It's not a milk the franchise type of sequel. The original creator has more to say with these characters years later in their lives, and he's choosing to say it with the medium we love so much: COMIC BOOKS! I related so much to Sebastian and Marla now (and a little to Durdin if I'm being honest). I too am so tired of dieting and coloring my hair! I can't recommend this book enough to anyone who liked the movie.
I talked about other books I liked and one I didn't like. Secret Wars had a few great tie ins, Old Man Logan and Secret Wars Journal were stand outs. Archie had another Sabrina and the first part of Sonic/Mega Man Worlds Unite. Sandman Overture #5 made it's way to us from the Dreaming. And Covergence #8 was a comic that came out…
I do talk about plenty of new books on here, but seriously, if you can buy only one comic this week, make it Fight Club. And if you can't afford one, kick someone's ass and take theirs! (You can always blame the meds).