Batman: Hush 2 Evidence... That It's Not Hush Under The Bandages. That's our theory anyway, what do you think?
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: cemetery cats, Comics, image, jms, joe michael straczynski, joe's comics
Cemetery Cats From Joe Michael Straczynski From Joe's Comics
From Ten Grand…
"CEMETERY CATS, the first illustrated fantasy novel from Joe's Comics, tells the story of Kristabel, a cat whose fourteen-year-old mistress has passed away. Kristabel follows her mistress to the cemetery where she joins the other cats who stand guard against the Whisperers, creatures of darkness that devour the spirits of the recently dead. It's a story of love and devotion that continues beyond the grave, to something deeply profound, beautiful and eternal."
Cemetery Cats has been trademarked by Studio JMS Corporation California…

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