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ComiXology All Over The World – Hellblazing A Trail
Constantine #1 completely dropped off of the sales charts around the globe this week. There is still some good news for John Constantine, however, as either his revamped series sparked an interest in the good-old-days, or that 99 cent sale did the business as back issues of Hellblazer dominated the charts of the Philippines, Spain, Mexico, and Japan. It is quite an eclectic assortment of countries buying up those books, which speaks to the broad appeal of the character. Come on, DC, you can make it work!
The third installment of Marvel's Age of Ultron made a big push across the Western World, and the ever-consistent Injustice: Gods Among Us remains a globe force on the sales charts. China allowed itself a little break from My Little Pony in order to gobble up most of the Injustice series.
The traditional big guns of Marvel and DC make up the majority of the rest of the lists: Uncanny Avengers, Superior Spider-Man, and Batman Incorporated all had strong figures this week. The Walking Dead remains a top seller, to the surprise of absolutely no one. Saga #11 held its ground, and I'm personally happy to see my favorite book of the past year hanging in there at the top of the charts, even a week after its initial release.
These are the country-specific charts for in-App sales through iOS devices.
Great Britain
1. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) £2.49
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 £0.69
3. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 £1.99
4. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 £2.49
5. Uncanny Avengers #5 £2.49
6. Young Avengers Vol. 2 #3 £1.99
7. Saga #11 £1.99
8. Superior Spider-Man #6AU £2.49
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 £0.69
10. East of West #1 £1.99
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 $0.99
2. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) $3.99
3. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 $2.99
4. Saga #11 $2.99
5. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 $3.99
6. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
7. Uncanny Avengers #5 $3.99
8. Superior Spider-Man #6AU $3.99
9. The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
10. Young Avengers Vol. 2 #3 $2.99
United States
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 $0.99
2. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 $2.99
3. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) $3.99
4. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 $3.99
5. Uncanny Avengers #5 $3.99
6. Saga #11 $2.99
7. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
8. The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
9. All-New X-Men #9 $3.99
10. Superior Spider-Man #6AU $3.99
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 $0.99
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
3. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 $2.99
4. Saga #11 $2.99
5. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) $4.49
6. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
7. Superior Spider-Man #6AU $4.49
8. Young Avengers Vol. 2 #3 $2.99
9. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 $4.49
10. The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
1. Hellblazer #27 $0.99
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 $0.99
3. Hellblazer #11 $0.99
4. Hellblazer #2 $0.99
5. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 $3.99
6. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
7. Hellblazer #46 $0.99
8. Hellblazer #45 $0.99
9. Hellblazer #44 $0.99
10. Hellblazer #43 $0.99
1. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) 3,59 €
2. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 2,69 €
3. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 3,59 €
4. Uncanny Avengers #5 3,59 €
5. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
6. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 0,89 €
7. Wolverine and the X-Men #27 3,59 €
8. All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
9. Superior Spider-Man #6AU 3,59 €
10. East of West #1 2,69 €
1. The Walking Dead # 108 € 2.69
2. Age of Ultron # 3 (of 10) € 3.59
3. Saga # 11 € 2.69
4. Hellblazer # 3 € 0.89
5. Hellblazer # 2 € 0.89
6. Hellblazer # 4 € 0.89
7. The Walking Dead Volume 1: Days Gone Bye € 7.99
8. Hellblazer # 45 € 0.89
9. Hellblazer # 44 € 0.89
10. Hellblazer # 43 € 0.89
1. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) 3,59 €
2. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 2,69 €
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 0,89 €
4. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 3,59 €
5. Uncanny Avengers #5 3,59 €
6. Wolverine and the X-Men #27 3,59 €
7. Superior Spider-Man #6AU 3,59 €
8. East of West #1 2,69 €
9. Aquaman (2011-) #18 2,69 €
10. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 11 $ 13.00
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 10 $ 13.00
3. The Walking Dead # 108 $ 39.00
4. Batman Incorporated (2012 -) # 9 $ 39.00
5. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 9 $ 13.00
6. Hellblazer # 2 $ 13.00
7. Hellblazer # 3 $ 13.00
8. Injustice (2013 -) # 1 $ 13.00
9. Saga # 11 $ 39.00
10. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 8 $ 13.00
1. Batman: Li'l Gotham #8 ¥85
2. Hellblazer #27 ¥85
3. Superior Spider-Man #6AU ¥350
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 ¥85
5. Hellblazer #246 ¥85
6. Hellblazer #245 ¥85
7. Young Avengers Vol. 2 #3 ¥250
8. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) ¥350
9. Hellblazer #35 ¥85
10. Fantastic Four Vol. 2 #5AU ¥350
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #7 ¥6.00
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #6 ¥6.00
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #5 ¥6.00
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #4 ¥6.00
5. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #3 ¥6.00
6. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #2 ¥6.00
7. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #12 ¥25.00
8. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #5 ¥25.00
9. The Flash (2011-) #18 ¥18.00
10. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 ¥6.00
1. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) USD 3.99
2. Uncanny Avengers #5 USD 3.99
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 USD 0.99
4. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 USD 3.99
5. All-New X-Men #9 USD 3.99
6. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 USD 2.99
7. The Walking Dead #108 USD 2.99
8. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 USD 0.99
9. Young Avengers Vol. 2 #3 USD 2.99
10. Superior Spider-Man #6AU USD 3.99
1. Garth Ennis' Jennifer Blood #24 Rs 220
2. Batman (2011-) #2 Rs 110
3. Batman: The Dark Knight #1 Rs 55
4. Batman: The Dark Knight (2011-) #6 Rs 110
5. The Walking Dead Vol. 3: The Heart's Desire Rs 550
6. Wolverine Max #5 Rs 220
7. Batman: The Dark Knight (2011-) #7 Rs 110
8. Batman: The Dark Knight (2011-) #5 Rs 110
9. Batman (2011- ) #1 Rs 55
10. Saga #11 Rs 170
1. Saga #10 66 р.
2. Gft Robyn Hood vs. Red Riding Hood #11 99 р.
3. Wonderland #9 99 р.
4. Saga #11 99 р.
5. Batman (2011- ) #1 33 р.
6. Star Trek: Countdown To Darkness #3 129 р.
7. Batman (2011-) #2 66 р.
8. The Walking Dead #108 99 р.
9. The Walking Dead #2 66 р.
10. Star Trek: Countdown To Darkness #2 129 р.
1. Transmetropolitan #1 0,89 €
2. Doctor Who Vol. 3 #7 3,59 €
3. Superior Spider-Man #6AU 3,59 €
4. ARK 4,49 €
5. The Black Hand #2 1,79 €
6. Transfusion #1 (of 3) 1,79 €
7. Gambit Vol. 5 #2 2,69 €
8. Werewolves of Montpellier 8,99 €
9. Hellblazer #2 0,89 €
10. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
1. Saga #11 2,69 €
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 0,89 €
3. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
4. East of West #1 2,69 €
5. The Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye 7,99 €
6. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) 3,59 €
7. Saga #10 1,79 €
8. The Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars 8,99 €
9. The Walking Dead Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us 8,99 €
10. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
1. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10) 3,59 €
2. Superior Spider-Man #6AU 3,59 €
3. Uncanny Avengers #5 3,59 €
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 0,89 €
5. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 2,69 €
6. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 3,59 €
7. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
8. All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
9. Wolverine and the X-Men #27 3,59 €
10. Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
1. Saga #11 NIS 11.90
2. Fables #1 NIS 3.90
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 NIS 3.90
4. Action Comics #1 NIS 3.90
5. Deadpool Killustrated #3 (of 4) NIS 11.90
6. Superman (2011-) #18 NIS 11.90
7. Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms Vol. 1 NIS 39.90
8. Ame-Comi Girls #14 NIS 3.90
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #6 NIS 3.90
10. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #5 NIS 3.90
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 7,00 kr
2. Saga #11 22,00 kr
3. Age of Ultron #3 (of 10)2 8,00 kr
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 7,00 kr
5. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #92 2,00 kr
6. The Walking Dead #1082 2,00 kr
7. Superior Spider-Man #6AU 28,00 kr
8. Guardians of the Galaxy #12 8,00 kr
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 7,00 kr
10. Batman: The Dark Knight (2011-) #18 22,00 kr
1. Batman Incorporated (2012-) #9 21,00 kr
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #11 7,00 kr
3. Saga #11 21,00 kr
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 7,00 kr
5. Superior Spider-Man #6AU 28,00 kr
6. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 28,00 kr
7. Justice League of America (2013-) #2 28,00 kr
8. Justice League (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
9. The Walking Dead #108 21,00 kr
10. Fantastic Four Vol. 2 #5AU2 8,00 kr
