Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, dc, figures, mattel, promotions, toys
Friday Runaround – Rob Liefeld Vs Fox
IndiaInkWatch: Looks like the upcoming Mumbai Comic Con is taking a leaf out of Wizard World's book and is in talks to bring a WWF wrestler with a comic, to launch their book in India.
ToyWatch: There are rumours that DC has told Mattel must make its new figures to reflect the look of characters as they appear in the DC Universe now. Wonder Woman costume, Batman seams and all.,..
PromotionWatch: A while back Bleeding Cool told you there wer eto be a bunch of promotions coming up at DC. Well, the announcements keep rolling out, with executive promotions for Alison Gill, now SVP, Manufacturing & Operations, Nick Napolitano now VP, Manufacturing and Jeff Boison, now VP, Publishing Operations, and moving across the country to Burbank. And Editorial Art Director Mark Chiarello is VP Art Direction & Design. More to come…
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
The Walking Dead's Robert Kirkman: Writing Staff Changes Won't Affect the Show
"It's kind of unfortunate that it's being reported that our writing staff has been fired because that's not the case," Kirkman, who created the comic book series on which the AMC zombie drama is based, tells "It makes Frank look bad. I don't think Frank wants it out there that he's just firing people off of a successful show seemingly for no reason."
Spidey musical needs $1M weekly
By all accounts, the show, which will play in the 1,900-seat Foxwoods Theatre, operated by Live Nation, will need to bring in about $1 million a week to break even. But to make its unprecedented investment back, it will need to run at capacity for two to three years, at the very least.
Frank Miller Part 1: Dames, Dark Knights, Devils, and Heroes
"I spoke with Paul Levitz about this, and it's not a Batman story," Frank elaborates. "It's the closest cultural comparison would be Jack Ryan. He's a much rougher player. At some point, you've got to say 'Is this Batman or not?'
The Obscure Pop Culture References of Grant Morrison, #428
Panels from JLA #39 (March 2000), script by Grant Morrison. "Child Psychology" by Black Box Recorder (1998).
Deadpool Creator Blasts Studio
"Dear FOX studios, get your act together. Deadpool is not Green Lantern, not a family film. DP is "filthy" think Expendables $$ w/ RR" "Also FOX, find your balls and film the script from Rheese and Wernick. You will make loads of money and thank yourself later."