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Marvel To Publish Wolverine: Old Man Logan Two Next Year
Bleeding Cool recently posted that Mark Millar was planning to pitch Marvel a sequel to his Wolverine arc Old Man Logan. Well, Mark has posted that e-mail conversation between himself and Marvel CCO Joe Quesada.
On Jun 30, 2010, at 4:37 PM, Mark Millar wrote:
My dear Joe,
You know that Old Man Logan sequel I've had in my head since last year? The one I was swearing I was going to write? Well, I was flying home from a wee break last night and I mapped out about half of it. Very excited about it and would love to get going on it towards the end of the year.
You game?
On 1 Jul 2010, at 05:39, JoeyDaQ wrote:
My dearest Scotish Bastard:
Give me a day to th–YES!!!!!
There you have it folks. There's life in the old adamantium bones yet. No word yet of Steve McNiven's involvement however…