Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: captain america, Comics, Deep State, entertainment, iron man, marvel, thor
Prints Charming – Marvel's Changing Trinity And A Deep State
Consider this an irregular feature looking at comic books that have gone to second prints or more. Now, it is worth remembering that some publishers plan second prints automatically, whether they are needed or not and will often just run extra first print copies in the initial run, set them aside and put a second print cover on them. It can be a marketing strategy, showing that there is confidence in the performance of the book, get a headline or three and use it to persuade retailers to up their orders of subsequent books. And comics news reporting sites become implicit in that market distortion every time we run them as a story.
Thor is now a woman. Captain America is now a black man. And Iron Man is now a right bastard.
Storytelling or stunt, it's enough for the second issues of the first and the first issue of the last two to go to second print…
As does the Boom title Deep State #1 by Justin Jordan and Ariela Kristantina…
While upcoming Marvel Comics getting Axis-related "Inversion Variants" covers showing their new, morally-corrupted forms, will be All-New Captain America #3, Amazing Spider-Man #12 , Ant-Man #1, Avengers #40, Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool #, Hulk #10, Legendary Star-Lord #7 and The Punisher #14…