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Some Spider-Man And Original Sin Speculation For A Sunday Night
Tom Huxley wrote a great Superior Spider-Man-based piece of speculative whimsy this morning over the identity of the Goblin King. Check it out.
But we're trying to go a bit further, into Original Sin and Amazing Spider-Man… any spoilers going in are purely by a) paying attention and b) chance.
For example, with Original Sin being Marvel's big summer event thing, it might be interesting to see who it features, compared to what movies might be coming from Marvel Studios
Besides the Big Three of Cap, Thor and Iron Man, we have The Punisher whose rights just recently reverted to Marvel Studios, Doctor Strange, basically confirmed for Phase 3, Ant-Man, Phase 3 and Black Panther who… well could this be seen as confirmation he'll be in the Marvel Studios Phase 3 plans now?
Oh and we have the Guardians Of The Galaxy tying in.
Which makes the inclusion of a character that Marvel Studios can't use, Emma Frost, rather stand out-ish. Almost as if she is rather integral to the plot and no one else would do…
And hoiw will this all impact on Spider-Man? From CBR
There were two secrets the panelists were willing to put on the table: Captain America will learn that somebody close to him has tampered with his memories ("That will have a seismic effect on Cap's relationship with the people around him," said Brevoort. "It's the worst possible time for Cap to be faced with something like this."); and in Spider-Man's world, we'll learn that there is someone else that was bitten by the radioactive spider that originally bit Peter Parker. Fallout will begin being dealt with in Dan Slott's new "Amazing Spider-Man" #1. "It's a character that cuts back to the very first day in the science lab," said Brevoort.
Let's check those solicits.
Variant cover by Mike Deodato
• Electro's power is out of control! And only one person can fix it…
• …the Superior Spider-Man!
• Wait. This book's the AMAZING Spider-Man now.
• So we're probably out of luck.
• Plus: That thing that freaked you out last issue? There's more on that. The return of you-know-who? There's MUCH more on that. Action! Drama! Surprises! There's MORE OF EVERYTHING!
Slott: Readers will meet an all-new villain, but unlike other stories like this where the new villain is planned as this giant, earth-shattering force like Mr. Sinister who's the secret villain behind everything, in this case it's not. This is actually going down a trickier path, to try to create a villain who will feel like a Spider-Man villain of old. It'll feel like you could have read about this guy at the same time you saw the first appearances of Mysterio, Electro or Sandman. But while we're aiming for that zone, this villain will have an interesting twist that makes him have much more in common with Peter than the others.
When you look at all of Spider-Man's earliest villains, they're all adults. Peter is 15 years old, dressing up as a superhero, and fighting full-grown, mature adults – some guys even as old as the Vulture. What you'll see with this new villain is Peter fighting someone his own age for the first time. With all the high school drama he goes through during the day, this brings all those problems he has in the school yard and puts it on the super villain
So it looks like Original Sin will have ramifications in Amazing Spider-Man #1 that will be followed up on in (surprisingly) #1.1. That being, this new villain who was also bitten by the spider.
Le's throw some speculation out there – could this be the Marvel 616 Universe version of Miles Morales, and also why Peter looked so shocked when he looked him up?