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Tales Of The Uncanny, Steve Bissette 1963-Spinoff From About Comics Previewed This Weekend
In 1992, Image Comics published the six-issue comic series 1963, by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, Rick Veitch and friends.
Creating a sixties backstory for the Image Comics Universe, the trio riffed on the Stan Lee/Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko early days of the Marvel Universe.
I loved it.
The series was left unfinished, the capping 1963 Annual was initially meant to be drawn by Jim Lee, seeing the 1963 heroes pitted against those from the nineties, with very different priorities. It was delayed, principal figures fell out and left the company and the series was never collected despite many attempts over the years.
Now Steve Bissette is bringing the characters he brought to the table back into print with Tales of the Uncanny – N-Man & Friends: A Naut Comics History, Vol. 1 from About Comics.
Starring 1963 characters N-Man, the Fury, the Hypernaut and Commander Solo & Her Screamin' Skydogs as well as new characters Curtis Slarch, Lo!, "The Big Dig" and more, the first volume will see publication this autumn, by Steve Bissette and members of the Centre for Cartoon Studies where Bissette teaches.
But first, this weekend will see a 16 page preview on sale at MoCCA Fest in New York, where the CCS have a table and will be selling signed copies.
Bisette gives more details and the history of the failure to repint and conclude the original 1963 series here.