Has Yet Another Girlfriend Discovered Batman's Identity? Big Detective Comics #1083 by Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin Spoilers
Posted in: Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, disney, marvel
The Misney Universe – Our Favourite Disney/Marvel Mashups
Okay so my Marvel Mickey in a previous post was a little poor. Let's see some people with actual artistic and/or Photoshop skills go to town!
Mouserine by Khary Randolph.
Fantastic Mice by rbg29
Mickey Origin, Hunchback of SHIELD and Disney Avengers from Paul DeBenedetto and Matt Occhuizzo
Goofalactus by Ape Lad
Logald Duckerine by Saiyagina
Beast And Boo by :raeioul
Moduck by Chris Samnee
Duckdevil by Kraken
Anyone up for a Namorita/Little Mermaid battle to the death? The Fantastic Four as The Incredibles? The Punisher killing Bambi's mother?
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