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Time And Place: The Many Settings Of The Doctor's Regenerations
Since the return of Doctor Who in 2005, the Doctor has generally regenerated inside the TARDIS. It is meant to help the process, the Doctor and the TARDIS being intrinsically linked.
Christopher Eccleston's Doctor told Rose she was fantastic — and so was he, after they left the Bad Wolf Station.
David Tennant's Doctor threw the essence of his regeneration into a spare arm he had lying around since that earlier regeneration day.
And then he told us all he didn't want to go, as his TARDIS crashed and burned around him.
Matt Smith's Doctor stood in the TARDIS, seeing his past life flash by him and dropping his bow tie.
But most recently, Peter Capaldi left the TARDIS behind and stepped outside into the snow as his body began to transform.
Even Derek Jacobi's The Master chose the TARDIS for his own transformation.
It was mostly true for classic Who, too. William Hartnell's Doctor laid down in the TARDIS.
Recreated for An Adventure In Space And Time:
Patrick Troughton's Doctor was transformed by the Time Lords and banished to Earth…
…stepping out of the TARDIS a new man.
But Jon Pertwee's Doctor's regeneration — the first to be called that, and to establish what was going on with Time Lords (and giving a cross-racial regeneration in the process) was the first to be outside the TARDIS.
As was Tom Baker's Doctor, though he had a Watcher with him instead.
Peter Davison's Doctor was back in the TARDIS for his poisoned regeneration.
Colin Baker's Doctor was knocked off his exercise bike in the TARDIS (though it was just Sylvester McCoy in a wig).
Sylvester McCoy's Doctor was shot coming out of the TARDIS, leading to a botched hospital job and a mortuary regeneration scene.
And Paul McGann's Doctor did it outside — the only New Who portrayal to do so, in a televisual equivalent of a DVD Extra.
But John Hurt's Doctor did it in the TARDIS again.
And again to Peter Capaldi? Standing outside the TARDIS screaming "No, no, no," just as Patrick Troughton's Doctor did to the Time Lords, forcing a regeneration upon him. Of course, the moment had been prepared for earlier in the series with this fake regeneration:
We'll just have to see whether this new regeneration outside the TARDIS has any significance on the new Doctor to come. There are, of course, spoilers, silly or not, abounding for next week's episode…