regeneration Archives

Doctor Who: Another Look at Regenerations Before the 60th Anniversary
As we wait for Doctor Who to return in the 60th Anniversary Specials, the BBC has released yet another compilation video of regeneration scenes from the show Why not? Regeneration is the most unique part of the series, after all, and what enables the show to be around forever, even if the actors can't be[...]
doctor who
But why let facts get in the way of a good outrage? Despite the condemnation of the temerity of returning showrunner Russell T Davies to cast a BAFTA-award winning actor in the role (and another Scot to boot) the moment has been prepared for. Image: BBC The first time we saw the Doctor regenerate, from William Hartnell[...]
Time And Place: The Many Settings Of The Doctor's Regenerations
It is meant to help the process, the Doctor and the TARDIS being intrinsically linked. Christopher Eccleston's Doctor told Rose she was fantastic — and so was he, after they left the Bad Wolf Station.–UUpv58ZsVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: 9th doctor regenerates into 10th doctor (–UUpv58Zs) David Tennant's Doctor threw the essence of his regeneration[...]