Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, indiana jones, matt busch, rick olney, world map
When A Doctor Tries To Order An Indiana Jones Map From Rick Olney
I received a set of emails from the office of one Dr Barry Cribbins III today. Apparently he'd googled me. He's been in conversation with the disgraced comics convention organiser and publisher Rick Olney, which went a little sour, over the matter of those Indiana Jones World Map. And now he's decided to share the correspondence with Bleeding Cool.
Hi Rick!
I'm definitely interested in buying a few of these maps. Anything to benefit fellow vets. :)I'd like to place an order for 10 of them.
What further steps will I need to take?Sincerely,
Dr. Barry Cribbins III
Dear Doctor Barry,
Providing that you are not a troll, and this is a sincere request — you can still find all you need at the link provided.
You'll need to send a United States Postal Money Order in your real name and real outgoing address and receiving address.
Rick Olney
Excuse me Mr. Olney, why are you calling me a troll? This is how you treat customers???
Don't you need my address for shipping? Can I get a tracking confirmation???Also please provide me information on which charity the proceeds will be going to. I plan on writing this off as a donation on my taxes this year.
In my position, everyone is a troll if I do not know them personally. Perhaps you protest to much.I provided you a link that outlined ALL the details of sales of this map. This lines will not be deviated from. Follow them if you're sincere wanting the maps, or get them elsewhere. Should you decide to purchase the maps, they will be sent Receipt Return Requested, and you'll need to sign for the delivery. Regarding your intent to claim the sale on your taxes; that is your business. I'll retain your email address and at that point in time on November 16, 2011 — You'll get the information emailed and sent to you via standard USPS to the address which you shall provide.
Any further emails from you should prove your sincerity.
I was preparing to write a money order and send it to you for the amount of $599.50 when I asked one of my staff at the clinic why you would call me a troll. She has had me Google you and we found this online accusation here:
Can you explain this and please tell me what charity the maps are going to?
Otherwise I regret to inform you that I will be unable to do any further business with you.
That is your decision. Frankly, your posts and communication transgression does smell like a drama driven troll. Apologies if I'm wrong…but I rarely am. Wrong, that is. Whether you purchase the maps or not is your decision. I do not care either way. The charity involved shall remain privileged information until the November 16th deadline. Again, as I surmise this; your decision and loss.
As businessman offering goods for sale I don't see the logic in calling myself (a potential customer) a troll. I'm very alarmed by these allegations my staff has found and as a fellow vet I've given you the chance to explain yourself. I like to support fellow vets and veteran's charities and I don't understand why you've not yet explained yourself. Are these in fact stolen goods? If they are not, why are others claiming as such?
If you can provide an adequate explanation I'd be more than willing to write a check. I will not write a money order and I will need to be provided with a shipping or tracking number once the items have been shipped.
I also don't know why you are unable to provide the name of the charity? I'm sorry to say this smells of potential fraud?
Please provide me evidence otherwise.
I shall assume for this moment that you are a sincere, real individual. As such, and as you have had staff looking into this all on the Internet — You have to be aware that I have shared openly the harassment and attacks that I have encountered and endured during the last 7 years of my life. As such, I am not going to release the name of charity benefiting veterans only to have them targeted and jeered online. Nor am I going to accept personal checks. I don't know you. You may be real in identity, but again, asking potential customers to send ONLY USPS money orders is not that huge a deal to anyone sincere and wanting to purchase the Indiana Jones Commemorative Map.
You toss the word 'fraud' towards me rather easily. How much more adequate can my explanations be to you? Again, if you are a sincere and real person then I sincerely apologize.
Re: A tracking number — The United States Postal Service provide tacking information on ALL the letters and parcels in their charge. You can have that information very easily once the maps are in their possession and on the way to you. And, if you like, as you have indicated, I can email you that information upon getting back from the post office.
Re: The charity involved — I can share with you that I am a Marine veteran and the charity receiving the monies from Map sales is a nationally know one that aids and comforts Marine Corp veterans. Sorry. That is all I am releasing public information wise at this time. I do appreciate your military service, and again, if I am in error and appear harsh towards you; you have my apologies, sir.
Thank you for the explanation. I'm very sorry to toss around the word fraud. I meant it only as a descriptor of the accusation and not as an insult. I'm very sorry you've been the victim of harassment.
Look I can't write a money order for almost $600 under these circumstances without knowing which charity it is. As a former vet myself I'm guessing you mean Marines Helping Marines? Would that be correct to assume?
If I do this I'm going to have to only order 5 (for now) and pay by check. How many days would it take for them to ship? After that I can order the other 5.
Okay, sir. I'll accept your personal check for the purchase of five maps. Once your check clears my bank I'll ship your five maps. I can get them out to you TWO DAYS (except for weekends, obviously). You have no need to worry regarding the charity. It is Marines and their loved ones helping other Marines. In fact, if you happen to have a Facebook page you could be befriended by me (for the duration of our dealings) and I'd then be able to show you that I am not about fraud in any respect.
I really gotta know the name of the charity please. It's a pretty simple answer right?I don't do Facebook, the young people in my staff do.
I'm sorry. I thought I was clear in sharing with you that it is Marines Helping Marines, as you had guessed. ie: It is Marines and their loved ones helping other Marines from my previous email reply.
By the way — I early on googled your name, sir. I didn't find anything, but that isn't necessary bad. I just assumed from previous interactions (that I was tricked into by trolls) that you may have been up to no good.
I don't do the internet really. I guess my receptionist did setup some facebook page for me, but I've never used it really.
Just to clarify though before I send this check out, these maps are not stolen property correct?
No, the maps are NOT stolen property. They were sent freely to me by Matt Busch to do exactly what we had agreed upon and I have a window of from now until November 15th to sell them to benefit a charity helping veterans.
Very good, then. I'm going to go ahead and send out the first check this afternoon.
It sounds like a good cause and I'm happy to be sending my money to a veteran's charity.
What's the name of your organization that donating to the charity? I have some other friends that might like to get some posters too if I can direct them to your organization.
The name of the event involved with my handling of these maps is the Adirondack ComicFest. Although, you won't find much about it yet on the Internet. It was targeted by those self same 'trolls' that I told you about, and subsequently cancelled until legal proceedings can be reviewed and steps taken to insure that the attacks and smearing stops. A summer 2012 event is being planned though. I used to be their events manager, and I am still a part owner. I stepped aside after a number of our confirmed guests on the roster were attacked and persuaded to cancel their attendance.
At any rate, you can send anyone interested to me, Richard L. Olney, via this email address and I'll be happy to interact with them regarding the maps.
You can continue to follow how well we do regarding helping the injured and recovering Marine veterans via my blog
I'll email you back as soon as I get your check in the mail. Thanks.
I'm confused.
The organization is Adirondack ComicFest?
Sorry to hear that people have caused you trouble. Who's the other owner?
Since you've stepped aside are they now the person I should be dealing with instead?
There is no organization. I agreed to handle these maps from Matt Busch at the Adirondack ComicFest. Nothing has changed on my end. I am still fulfilling my obligation to sell the maps until the deadline date. I stepped aside as the events manager. That had/has nothing to do with the matter of these maps.
As I was getting ready to send this check out my receptionist alerted me to this posting today:
Are these allegations true? If you don't have authorization I can't purchase them. I can't purchase stolen goods.
The artist Matt Busch is now telling people not to buy from you… any reason why? This seems to mean that these items are stolen and you don't have the right to sell them.
I'm growing very concerned now as I've already sent out a check.
Again, I am not selling stolen merchandise. I have no idea why Matt Busch, if that is indeed THE Matt Busch would state such a thing. I would surmise that if you're concerned, and if you've posted a check to me via the mail, then when it gets here I'll return it upon your request. You're not the only person that has had interest and bought the Commemorative Indiana Jones maps from me … although you do hold the record for most emails back and forth to me concerning them. Just let me know.
I have not heard anything from Lucasfilms regarding these maps, or from any legal representation from Matt Busch.
Let me know what to do with your check, if you did indeed already mail one.
Then why are so many websites saying you're not authorized by Lucasfilm?
Are you or are you not authorized by Lucasfilm and Matt Busch?
Did you also threaten to burn these maps?
This is from that first link I sent you:
"Anyway, for legal reasons that I am pursuing, I don't want to get into juicy details, but I am actively trying to get the maps back from Rick. He is refusing to return them and gleefully intends on offering them Online, which Lucasfilm has not granted him permission to do. So I'm contacting Lucasfilm, my lawyer, and the police department of Rick's home."
I'm very concerned that you're indeed selling stolen property. That's not with the code of conduct in the USMC, Mr. Olney and I'm afraid I may have to start getting in touch with some of the members of the board of Marines Helping Marines regarding this activity if you do not come clean.
Very troubling information indeed, and here you have the nerve to demand a money order. Mail fraud is a very serious crime Mr. Olney.
I was right about you all along. You are a troll. Demand a money order? I didn't demand anything. I merely advised you and then, thinking you were legitimate, offered to take your personal check. And you, questioning my veteran status relating to Marine Corps Code of Conduct. Again, this is trollish. Don't email me again or I'll report you to your ISP and your emails to me are all being forwarded to my attorney.
I've been straightforward with you from the beginning today.
I'm canceling the check, please see that you destroy the check when it arrives.
I'm going to make sure I notify everyone I know in my Veteran's groups about your attempted fraud and theft.
I will not destroy your check. I shall return it to you. And gain, now I am contacting your ISP and my local police department to report you for harassment. Do not email me again.
This is very unprofessional conduct on your part. It seems that it is true that you have stolen these items from Lucasfilm and Matt Busch based on your reaction.
The fact that you have further chosen to drag a Marine charities name through the mud and make them a party to your criminal actions is utterly appalling.
Please consider doing what's right before you face prosecution.