Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: conan, marvel, savage avengers
Savage Avengers Reveals Conan The Barbarian's Greatest Fear (Spoilers)
A large rampaging spider? A giant rock-formed god smiting the heathens? A Hyborian #MeToo campaign? No, Conan The Barbarian fears none of these things. He wished to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentations of their women. But as for fear? Does Conan fear nothing? It seems not. This week's Savage Avengers #22from Marvel Comics sees a time-travelled Conan living in the modern-day Marvel Universe and teaming with the more ruthless Marvel characters, from Wolverine to Venom to Elektra (but not the Punisher anymore). And now with the Ghost Rider, which gives Conan a reason to flashback to the Ghost Rider he knew in his age, who rode one of those giant spiders that he is not afraid of.
The solicitation states that Conan and Ghost Rider come up against a perennial Marvel villain, Nightmare. Someone Ghost Rider's stare will presumably have no effect upon. An din doing so, Nightmare shows us Conan The Barbarian;'s greatest fear,
To die an old man, in his bed, in his sleep, without even his sword in his hand. The main series has been teasing the death of Conan, foretold to take place in the Tower Of Blood, and it's a destiny that Conan is not keen to face, but it would be much preferably for the man if it were to take place in that fashion, that alone, unmourned and unloved, with only the enemy of Time to defeat him. This is no death for a Barbarian or a King…
(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Patrick Zircher (CA) Valerio Giangiordano
Conan and Ghost Rider get to the bottom of Nightmare's machinations and his werewolves' origins…and Johnny Blaze isn't the first Ghost Rider that Conan has encountered – he knew one back in Hyboria that rode around on a GIANT SPIDER. This chapter proves you can't spell "flashback" without the "AAH!" Parental Advisory In Shops: Jul 21, 2021 SRP: $3.99