Devil May Cry 5 certainly leaves an impression. What felt like a franchise unable to come back from the brink, now feels like one with a future.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, Talking Comics
Talking Comics – Squadron Supreme #1, Lucifer #1, Star Trek Starfleet Academy #1 & More!
Bleeding Cool welcomes the return of Talking Comics, from Excalibur Comics, Cards, and Games in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss this week's upcoming books, speculating about where they are headed, and discuss their favorite storylines.
Hosts Randy Young and Chris Hunter say:
Thanks for pressing play!
It's another great week of comics from so many different publishers that we can hardly wait to get our hands on the new titles as they hit the shelves.
This week, we see the release of the Squadron Supreme, and they have one goal in mind, and that is to make Namor, the Submariner, pay for what he did to Dr. Spectrum's home world.
Also, two of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe; Star Brand and Nightmask, face their greatest challenge ever, and that is college.
Fans of Vertigo Comics will be glad to know that one of the fan favorite characters of that publishing line, Lucifer, is back with his own series starting this week, as he is accused of killing God, but actually may have an alibi to prove that he didn't.
Also this week, from IDW Comics, we get to take a look at the iconic Star Trek characters before they were icons, and see them in school in the Star Fleet Academy as it ships this week.
This week, we also see the end of the Ultimate Universe with Ultimate End No. 5 from Marvel Comics. It's time to say goodbye to an era of fantastic comics.
We also get to see another Star Wars annual ship this week with Darth Vader annual No. 1, and how Darth Vader deals with planets that do not unite under the umbrella of the Empire.
It is a short week this week – nothing we can really do about that – but we do want to know your thoughts on another trailer that has dropped this week on line. It's a big one, so be sure to let us know what you think in the comments down below.
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