A Brand New Ultimate Spider-Man made the top of Bleeding Cool traffic yesterday. And I am back on my way to London Toy Fair!
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, valiant, valiant entertainment, valiantsummit
Teen Turok? Savage, A Dinosaur Hunter By B Clay Moore, Clayton Henry & Lewis LaRosa in NovemberAt #ValiantSummit
Live from the Valiant Summit in New York for 2016…
Savage by B. Clay Moore, Clayton Henry & Lewis LaRosa in November.
A football star and his pregnant model wife disappear in a plane crash. fifteen years later there is a fifteen year old character hunting dinosaurs in a savage land….
Teen Turok?
Publisher talks about the character's mother, who dies when he is five and the things she has to teach him first….
The format will see the two artists on separate framing sequences. But we open up with 6-8 pages of pure dinosaur hunting.
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