Devil Girl & Moon Dino Debut In Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur 10th Anniversary Special from Marvel Comics in April
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: astonishing x-men, comic con, Comics, marjorie liu, marvel, san diego, sdcc, women
The All Women Superhero Marvel Team From Marjorie Liu That Never Was
Louis Falcetti reporting from Bleeding Cool, lets us know that Astonishing X-Men writer Marjorie Liu pitched an all female superhero team starring X-23, The Black Widow, Elektra and Mystique. Mike Perkins was on board to draw it, it would have been a secret team in the Marvel Universe and it was pitched a year ago.
Marvel said no. Because they said it simply wouldn't sell.
Marvel need to create their own croudsource funding equivalent of Kickstarter. Mickstarter. For just this kind of thing. They would get the book funded for $500,000 in hours…
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