Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, industry, storm, twitter
The Comic Industry Faces Sandy Through Twitter
Those who could get a signal, that is….
This was our #sandy close call. That tree is from across the street, stopped by another tree and lines.
— Joe Kelly (@JoeKellyMOA) October 30, 2012
Lots of friends in the NYC area are losing electricity. Make sure everyone in the house/apt has a flashlight on hand.
— Greg Pak (@gregpak) October 29, 2012
@victorgischler There is! But for next year, I'm getting one of the hand crank chargers. Works in the dark. :-/
— Greg Pak (@gregpak) October 30, 2012
Hurricane slowing my work down. I do love the east coast so far, just lost cable
— riley rossmo (@rileyrossmo1) October 29, 2012
Tree felled in Central Park: #Sandy…
— Phil Jimenez (@Philjimeneznyc) October 30, 2012
"Roughing it" at my sister's until Con Ed can get power back up in my neighborhood. Think I'll survive. :-P
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) October 30, 2012
Everything is creepier by flashlight. :-O
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) October 30, 2012
High and dry in Washington Heights. Thoughts and love to the rest of NYC. Hope we're up and running soon! #Sandy
— Mark Doyle (@doyle_dcvertigo) October 30, 2012
No power, insane winds out here, trees down…but lots of Halloween candy. We got this.
— Stephanie Buscema (@StephBuscema) October 30, 2012
Family is fine, property fine, but devastation surrounding us is a little crazy. Hope everyone made it through last night all right.
— Mike Marts (@mikemarts) October 30, 2012
As the water officially hits my building, I go from living BY the Hudson River to living IN the Hudson River.
— Kevin Maguire (@maguirekevin) October 29, 2012
Well, Hurricane Sandy is barreling right at us here in Maine! Worried it'll ruin Trick or Treating for the kids :(
— Renae De Liz (@RenaeDeLiz) October 26, 2012
Big damage in our neighborhood. Our street lucky comparatively.…
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) October 30, 2012
Lost a few branches and the power's out, but the emergency generator is working fine.It's quiet.Almost…TOO quiet.
— Peter David (@PeterDavid_PAD) October 30, 2012
NYC friends… We have power, water, cable, food, a comfortable couch & extra bed. Reach out if you need a shower, meal, recharge or rest.
— C.B. Cebulski (@CBCebulski) October 30, 2012
Woke up with power.The world from my window looks quiet, will venture out shortly.Dying to watch news, but it'll freak out the kids
— Brian Wood (@brianwood) October 30, 2012
Looks like rain.
— Stephen Wacker (@StephenWacker) October 29, 2012
Daughter says to me this morning "Why did they give the storm such a sweet non threatening name like Sandy. They shouldah called it LOKI!"
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) October 29, 2012
they just opened our local Target. emergency lighting only, shelves stripped of anything useful. very post-apocalyptic.
— Philip Bond (@pjbond) October 30, 2012
Due to Sandy we don't know when the new books will arrive. As of 3:00am this morning (Tuesday the 30th) UPS has them in Roanoke, VA.
— Fantom Comics (@FantomComics) October 31, 2012
Sounds like most NYC retailers are making Thurs. New Comics Day. (What about the ComicsFest Free Comic Day? Those books were shipped early.)
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) October 31, 2012
@nickabadzis @naobrown "Spoken" to Bond, Ennis, You, Stuart Moore and many others. Everyone is well, thank goodness. Night y'all!
— Tim Pilcher (@Tim_Pilcher) October 31, 2012
Still no power after 24 hours and cell service is intermittent and spotty at best. Living by firelight! Thanks #Sandy
— Run! PerazzAAAaargh! (@Perazza) October 31, 2012
Fatale 9 is out tomorrow. Because good things still exist.
— Dead Brubaker (@brubaker) October 31, 2012