AENT or Alliance Entertainment buying Diamond Comic Distributors was the most-read story on Bleeding Cool again yesterday.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Donny Cates, Matthew Rosenberg, mimi young, newlitg
The Daily LITG, New Year's Day 2020, Happy Birthday Mimi Yoon
Welcome to the pretty-much-mostly-daily Lying In The Gutters. A run around the day before and the day ahead. You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. And welcome to 2020. Why Marvel has a comic coming out called Iron Man 2020 and not, say, 2020 Vision is beyond me.
The 10 most-read stories yesterday
- Mark Millar On Why Revealing Superman's Secret Identity is a Bad Idea – And Why He Revealed Spider-Man's.
- Erik Larsen Says Colorist Who Poorly Recolored Marvel Comics Presents #48 Cover Should Be Killed
- Ubisoft Releases The "Just Dance 2020" Song List
- The Complete Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List of Comics 2019, in Full
- Rumor: Could LEGO Have Leaked Characters For "Marvel's Avengers"?
- Readers Criticise Marvel Comics For Shoe-Horning Racial Politics Into Silver Surfer
- Jim Shooter Would Like To Be Told When A Male Character Is Having A Baby – The Jim Shooter Files
- Diamond Confirms DC Comics' 5G
- The Mandalorian Gets a New Wave of Funko Pop Vinyls
- Ninja Deleted Promotional Tweet For Sneakers After Controversy
One year ago…
- Timeless Season 3: Rescue Mission Strong! Here's What You Can Do!
- Miles Morales to Revisit Infamous Spider-Man Story in Champions #1 (SPOILERS)
- Marvel's Conan The Barbarian Will Tell the Story Of His Death
- Hindus Call For Apology From Marvel Over Uncanny X-Men #5
- Reaper Miniatures Announces new Bones: Black Series
And the 100 most-read stories of 2019 right here.
Happening today…
- Atomic Basement's Not So Soft Opening, Long Beach, California, Noon.
- Donny Cates, signing Thor #1 at Austin Books & Comics, Austin, TX 4-7 pm.
- Matthew Rosenberg signing Hawkeye Freefall #1 at JHU Comic Books, Staten Island NY, 2-4 pm
- Matthew Rosenberg signing Hawkeye Freefall #1 at JHU Comic Books, New York, 5-7 pm
And a happy birthday to…
- Mimi Yoon, comics artist on Judge Anderson, Powerpuff Girls.
- Sanford Greene, artist on Power Man & Iron Fist, Sonic The Hedgehog, Wonder Girl, The Incidentals.
- Walter Antonio McDaniel, artist on Deadpool, Wolverine, Deathlok, Spider-Man, and Batman. Founder of Red Dragon Media in China.
- Comics journalist Giovanni Aria.
- Manuel Monari, employee at Pop Store, Bologna.
- Eric Nguyen, artist on X, Stormwatch: Team Achilles, Strange Girl, InFamous
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