Posted in: Comics | Tagged: annual, Black Comic Book Festival, blackcomicbookfestnyc, Fourth, new york, saturday
The Fourth Annual Black Comic Book Festival, Next Saturday In New York #blackcomicbookfestnyc
This is the official poster for the 4th Annual Black Comic Book Festival at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture next Saturday. Featuring the art of Mshindo Kuumba and logo design by Alex Batchelor.
Admission is free… are you going?
The Schomburg Center's 4th Annual Black Comic Book Festival celebrates the rich tradition of black comix in a full day event featuring panel discussions, film screenings, hands-on workshops and exhibit tables with premiere black comic artists from across the country. Join us and check out the mind-blowing Afrofuturism art and design exhibition Unveiling Visions: The Alchemy of the Black Imagination, curated by John Jennings and Reynaldo Anderson.
The Schomburg Center's Black Comic Book Festival is presented by Deirdre Hollman (Schomburg Education & Junior Scholars Program) in collaboration with Jerry Craft (Mama's Boyz) and John Jennings (SUNY Buffalo/Black Kirby).