Games Archives

Back at E3 2017, we had the chance to sit down and try out this awesome little VR platformer called Moss from Polyarc, in which you control a brace and adventurous mouse who solves puzzles and avoids different kinds of peril in a maze-like wilderness filled with temples.
We kinda knew this would take place at some government level this year, we just didn't expect it in Hawaii. According to the Hawaii Tribune-Herald, lawmakers have introduced new bills on the local house and senate floors targeting loot boxes and microtransactions in video games.
Techland Sends Their "Undying Love" in Latest Dying Light Event
Techland has added their latest update to Dying Light, which is a six-day event centered around Valentine's Day called "Undying Love". The event will introduce three new survivors, as you can see below, who will be in the game until the next free DLC addition.
The Latest Overwatch Patch Takes Out A Lúcio CTF Cheat
The new season for Capture The Flag in Overwatch has its first update that's sure to anger many a player, as Blizzard has removed the ability for you to use Lúcio to Wall Ride while holding the flag all the way to the goal.
Bayonetta Creator Defends Series' Nintendo Exclusivity
Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya recently took to Twitter to talk about the series' Nintendo exclusivity. The series began on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2010 (2009 in Japan), but the sequel was a Wii U exclusive, and the third entry is going to be a Switch exclusive.