Posted in: Games, Gearbox Publishing, Video Games | Tagged: Risk of Rain, Risk Of Rain Returns
Risk Of Rain Returns Shows Off New Survivor: Drifter
Risk Of Rain Returns will be changing things up a bit as the devs are adding an all-new survivor for you to play with called Drifter.
Gearbox Publishing and Hoppo Games decided to show off some new content for Risk Of Rain Returns this week with an all-new survivor coming to the game. The character is called Drifter, and much like the name suggests, they are much more of a nomad character than anything else. They've gone some unique attacks to showcase as a brawler, the primary one called Blunt Force, which will be the key to taking on foes in quick order to get to the scrap. Enjoy the info and trailers below on this new character.
Risk Of Rain Returns: Drifter
The first brand new survivor debuting in Risk of Rain Returns is Drifter. This resourceful brawler got more than she bargained for when she stowed away on the ill-fated Contact Light – luckily she has some unique skills to not only handle the dangerous inhabitants of Petrichor V, but she also has some powerful tools to empower herself and her fellow Survivors. The key to Drifter's power is her ability to utilize Scrap generated by her primary ability Blunt Force. This may appear as useless rubbish to the other survivors – but to Drifter it's a valuable resource.
- Blunt Force is a 3-hit combo melee attack that hits enemies in a wide area – each successful hit generates lumps of Scrap, which litter the floor near Drifter – gather these quickly to fuel your more powerful abilities.
- Blunt Force isn't the only way to generate Scrap – Drifter's Utility ability Suffocate also fills your meter without having to collect Scrap from the environment – This large melee strike stuns and does 200% damage – any enemy below 20% health when attacked with Suffocate is immediately consumed and converted to Scrap.
- Once you have gathered Scrap you have everything you need to fuel Drifter's other two abilities – including her secondary attack Cleanup. This ability tosses out some of your Scrap as piercing projectiles in a short-range burst – imagine a trash-powered shotgun that makes mincemeat of even the toughest enemies.
Finally her special ability makes her a true powerhouse on the battlefield – not only to herself but her allies – when your Scrap meter is 75% full you gain access to Salvage. Salvage allows Drifter to generate 4 temporary items – these can then be collected by any player making her the survivor with the strongest support abilities in Risk of Rain. Have your teammates not been as fortunate as you when rolling the dice at chance shrines? Create some temporary items to share among your team before facing the tough challenges that await you.