Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Secret of Mana, Square Enix
Square Enix Gives Secret Of Mana A Proper Launch Trailer
If you're like us, you've been patiently waiting for Square Enix to finally release this newly HD remastered version of Secret Of Mana, which you can download right now for Steam, PS4, and Vita. But for the few who may be sitting on the fence about going back and playing a 25-year-old classic in a 3D world, or those who cling to the SNES version as if it will be the only version they every play, Square has decided to give you a taste of what's to come with a proper release trailer, which we have for you below.
We'll be reviewing the game ourselves, but for the meantime, the trailer itself looks splendid as it shows off how the original has been upgraded from the towns and characters all the way to the soundtrack. Even if you have zero intention of playing the game, it's well worth the two minutes of your time to check out the trailer and see what they've done with it. Plus, we have to admit, it's nice having a voice cast after all these years say very memorable lines and make the journey just a little extra special. Until we review it, enjoy the trailer.