You can try out the game 13Z: The Zodiac Trials right now, as the team has launched an all-new global playtest for PC on Steam
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Behaviour Studios, dead by daylight
The Latest Dead By Daylight Patch Fixes a Ton of Issues and Complaints
The folks over at Behaviour Studios released a brand new patch update for Dead By Daylight which will solve most of your problems. A lot of what's here will address many of the complaints and concerns that people have been having with the game, which you can see the full notes for PC, PS4, and Xbox One as we have some of the PC notes below.
The one issue that doesn't seem to be on the list that is a hot topic is the push or "vacuum" players have after they throw down a pallet was removed and never brought back, making it harder for players to escape killers when throwing one down. Maybe next time, kids.
- Fixed an issue that caused jittery animation when the Nurse attacked while carrying a Survivor
- Fixed an issue that caused the Clowns gas bomb VFX to remain visible on the tally screen
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hag's killer stain to appear too bright
- Fixed an issue that caused the Hag's phantasm trap to appear misaligned when holding a directional key during the trap placement
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be able to cancel a charged blink by attacking
- Fixed an issue that caused the Nurse to be unable to use her blink power around the Asylum building in the Crotus Prenn Asylum map
- Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor not to immediately go into crawl state when The Trapper hit them during the step in bear trap animation
- Fixed an issue that caused the bear traps & trap indicator to become offset during the Trappers trap placement animation
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the Cannibal to be unable to destroy a pallet when using the chainsaw
- Fixed an issue where the locked (unequippable) Cannibal's Face Mask Collection customization items were not appearing in the players inventory
- Fixed an LOD issue on one of the houses in Haddonfield
- Fixed an impassable gap for Killers between a rock and a fence tile in the Autohaven Wrecker's themed maps
- Fixed an impassable gap for Killers between a rock and a tree in the Mother's Dwelling map
- Fixed an issue could cause less than 5 totems to spawn in the Pale Rose map
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to climb on top of a chest next to a broken boat in the Backwater Swamp themed maps
- Fixed an issue that caused bear traps to sink into the stairs of the main building in the Blood Lodge map
- Fixed an issue that caused players to become permanently stuck when interrupting a vault through a specific window in the Smokehouse building in the Mother's Dwelling map
- Fixed an issue that caused players to become permanently stuck when interrupting a vault through a specific window in the chapel building in the Father Campbell's Chapel map
- Fixed an issue that could cause a MacMillan killer hook to spawn in the Badham Preschool map if the basement was not located inside the preschool
- Fixed an issue that could cause a player to become stuck in a closed room inside The Game map when rescued from the Killers grasp in a specific area
- Fixed an issue that could cause multiple totems to spawn in the main building of the Groaning Storehouse map
- Fixed an issue that could cause specific assets to disappear from a distance in the Crotus Prenn Asylum maps
- Fixed an issue that could cause specific assets to disappear from a distance in the MacMillan Estate themed maps
- Fixed an issue where the Pig and the Nightmare didn't fall after vaulting through the window on the car crusher asset in Autohaven Wrecker's themed maps
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivor aura not to be visible within the exit gates when using the Blood Warden perk
- Fixed an issue that caused generator progression when succeeding an Overcharge skill check
- Fixed an issue that caused the Stake Out perk to accumulate tokens during the interrupt animation
- Fixed an issue that caused the Windows of Opportunity perk to show the aura of a boarded-up window vault in Léry's Memorial Institute
- Fixed an issue where the extra hook escape attempts sometimes weren't given when using the Slippery Meat perk

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