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New Motion Posters, Viral Marketing, And Pictures For The Punisher

The Punisher is due out sooner rather than later. There are a couple of rumored release dates for the series thus far, with some as early as mid October and others pointing toward mid November. Regardless, the Marvel Netflix shows tend to do a lot of their marketing on social media — which means it's time for some motion posters and other such fun pieces of viral marketing to come out to play.

First we have the motion posters. Thus far we only have two, one for Frank and another for Karen Page, but having Karen named as the "one the few people he can trust" makes me happy. Their dynamic was killer, for lack of a better word, in the second season of Daredevil, and I'm excited to see more of it.

Next we have two audio files from twitter and instagram. The first one seems to feature Ben Barnes and his character of Billy Russo and the other features Frank talking.

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Next we have two more pieces marketing that looks like viral marketing. The first shows some blood-soaked leaves from the scenes we've seen in other viral marketing. Next we have board that looks like someone trying to put the pieces together.

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Finally, some new images from Twitter, including what could be our best look at Ben Barnes yet. He looks like a villain from a Marvel Netflix show.

New Motion Posters, Viral Marketing, And Pictures For The Punisher

New Motion Posters, Viral Marketing, And Pictures For The Punisher

New Motion Posters, Viral Marketing, And Pictures For The Punisher

New Motion Posters, Viral Marketing, And Pictures For The Punisher

The Punisher, from showrunner Steve Lightfoot, stars Jon Bernthal, Jason R. Moore, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Michael Nathanson, Jamie Ray Newman, and Amber Rose Revah. It will stream to Netflix sometime in late 2017.

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Kaitlyn BoothAbout Kaitlyn Booth

Kaitlyn is the Editor-in-Chief at Bleeding Cool. She loves movies, television, and comics. She's a member of the UFCA and the GALECA. Feminist. Writer. Nerd. Follow her on twitter @katiesmovies and @safaiagem on instagram. She's also a co-host at The Nerd Dome Podcast. Listen to it at
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