Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: ABC, agents of shield, entertainment, Grant Ward, marvel, Phil Coulson, television
The Six Important Moments From Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD: Maveth
The following article will have spoilers for the mid-season finale of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD.
I haven't done one of these in a while, but it seems that after last night's episode a good 6 important moments was called for.
1 – The first thing that jumped out at me about this episode is that Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie does a really good job stepping up as leader. Including the part where he puts himself at risk and sends everyone away… very Captain Kirk. You have a lot of type A personalities on the team and he was able to wrangle them all and get the job done. For a character that was supposed to be a mechanic, he's really having a good story arc. Now if they would just find a way to give him an axe in battle.
2 – The team finally has more Inhumans than just Diasy. Lincoln and Joey did well in the field and proved to be invaluable. I really liked how Joey discovered he was bullet proof… well sort of. The Secret Warriors team had a good first outing. But they are going to need code names soon. You're not going to intimidate anyone with Daisy and Joey.
3 – Andrew Garner seemed like such a nice guy. They type of guy you'd leave your cat with when you went out of town. Now he is killing Inhumans without a second thought. With Lash back on the loose, that is going to be a big problem in the second half of the season… and we know he won't be their only problem.
4 – There is something really cool about how much Leo Fitz has grown over the years. From a meek little lab rat to kicking an evil forces butt on an alien planet. We had a season of nerdy Fitz, then a season of damaged Fitz and now we have action Fitz. Do you think, maybe deep deep down, on like a completely subconscious level… he enjoyed killing Will?
5 – Why do we love Phil Coulson? Because he dives out of an airplane and through a portal to an alien world, gets knocked out and when he finally comes to and looks around the first thing he says is "Huh… Tatooine." And then of course he gets the upper hand on Grant Ward, shoots him twice and then crushes his chest with his mechanical hand… and then drops it on Ward like he was dropping a mic. Boom!
6 – And the final moment, when we are all sure that Ward is dead and left behind on an alien planet to rot. And we all feel better because of all the horrible things Ward did… he shows up on the freaking road in front of Gideon Malick all possesed by evil and some junk. Seriously, why won't this guy die? Does Brett Dalton have compromising pictures of Mickey Mouse or something?
So now they have to deal with Lash and Sith Lord Ward. The rest of the season should be very interesting.
And now we just have to wait until MARCH… that's right, Marvel's Agent Carter will slip into the Tuesday night at 9 PM time slot starting January 19th meaning we won't see what the hell Ward has become until almost the end of Winter.