action movies Archives

Legends of the Condor Heroes is Secretly the World Buzziest Movie
You wouldn't know any of this because until Deadline reported on the Chinese New Year opening day box office earnings, no Western media had written about it at all. The original novel of The Legend of the Condor Heroes has an official English translation from a UK and US publisher, all four volumes of it, and[...]
The Killer: Peacock Releases Trailer for John Woo’s Return to Gun-Fu
The fantasy subgenre of a secret world of slick professional killers for hire living in the shadows began in Hong Kong action movies, including the original version of The Killer John Wick took that and ran with it. The screenplay is by Academy Award winner Brian Helgeland (L.A Confidential, Mystic River) and the screenwriting team of[...]
“Line Walker 2: Invisible Spy” is the Craziest Action Movie of the Year
One thing I miss about Hong Kong action movies is their sheer craziness They used to be the most creative and unpredictable in the world The best Hong Kong action movies used to leave us in awe for their sheer bat-shit craziness At last, one has come along after a long drought. Well Go USA Line Walker[...]