Bleeding Cool posted last month regarding Emma Frost trying to recruit trans supervillain Sheila Sexton, otherwise known as Escapade, to Krakoa in
Alberto Albuquerque Archives
Martinez telling the story of past Miles and Alberto Albuquerque covering the Ganke short Each artist does some phenomenal work, with Nelson Blake II and Alitha E Martinez especially standing out in the flashback to Secret Invasion He gives Miles a lot of visual personality and emotion The background can sometimes seem a little light[...]
We make no promises about the use of your time, however.
This week we've got Phoenix Resurrection #5, All-New Wolverine #30, Despicable Deadpool #293, Old Man Logan #34, and Jean Grey #11. Let's wrap up the week, saving the (hopefully) best for last with Jean Grey #11!
Jean Grey #11
Writer: Dennis Hopeless
Artists: Victor Ibanaz and Alberto Albuquerque
Colorist: Jay David Ramos
Letterer: Travis Lanham
This is[...]