The Mighty Captain Marvel and her team of galactic defenders find themselves at the end of the conflict against the Chitauri, but is it any good?
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*Ties into the Secret Empire crossover
In The Mighty Captain Marvel #7, Captain Marvel, Alpha Flight, the Ultimates, and the Guardians of the Galaxy continue their struggle against the Chitauri forces attacking Earth.
The new cadets — Glory, A'Di, and Dante — find themselves in a bad position as they attempted to contact Earth with the help[...]
However, those of us who are veterans of the entertainment media know that if any notable person is associated with a popular superhero franchise via social media post, it is basically guaranteed that they will have a role in the film and should be reported as such.
Does this mean that Trudeau will help introduce Canadian[...]
If Captain Marvel is an A-List Marvel mainstay for years to come, I'll be a happy camper.
This story, which takes place before Secret Empire #0, has Captain Marvel enlisting a trio of young cadets into the Alpha Flight program, as she expects that they will need some fresh blood with the Chitauri invasion on the[...]
His guidance and friendship helped me immensely.
James work includes ESPers, Strikeforce Morituri, Alpha Flight, Harsh Realms, Hard Case and Lex Luthor: The Unauthorized Biography.
A few years back, James had some severe medical issues He had to have his leg amputated from below the knee The surgery was successful, and a GoFundMe was started to help[...]
But could Fox's XCU be trying to accomplish too much too soon?
A new report from, who had a five minute conversation with X-Men producer Simon Kinberg last week and has been breaking every sentence up into a separate news article, claims that the next properties up for development could be Alpha Flight and Exiles[...]
Or not.
But it turns out that, on a panel with creators Tara Butters, Michele Fazekas and artist Kris Anka, it was announced that joining Captain Marvel on her mission to protect the Earth from strange alien invasions, will be Alpha Flight The Canadian government-backed superteam who, up to know, mostly kept their feet on the ground.
"One of the[...]
And some folks know it was based on the original Marvel comics, even if it's something Marvel would rather not remind anyone of, letting Yen Press and Joe Books publish new comic books featuring the characters, and keeping the original versions out of print..
But we can go even further back, before their planned first appearance[...]
If you don't know him he worked on Alpha Flight and Strikeforce Morituri for Marvel, Hardcase for Malibu and Lex Luthor: The Unathorized Biography for DC along with creating the series ESPers and Harsh Realms… You might remember Harsh Realms from the short lived TV series with DB Sweeney.
I got to get away from my[...]
From yesterday's Amazing X-Men. Puck, recently of X-Force, getting a call... but who is his companion? He's old enough to be Talisman's... well...
Alpha Flight stopped most of them but Shamrock was unaffected by the brainwashing in the first place because of her powers.
Speaking of her powers, Molly basically became a vessel for the souls of those who died innocently in war Whenever she is in physical danger, one of the souls sacrifices itself in a burst of[...]
Such as movies.
But in this case, the registration from Marvel Characters is just in the field of "Downloadable electronic publications in the nature of comic books, comic magazines and stories in illustrated form"
And they are:
Age Of Ultron
Alpha Flight
Black Panther
Guardians Of The Galaxy
New Warriors
Rocket Raccoon
Strikeforce Morituti
Journey Into Mystery
Irredeemable Ant Man
Is this Marvel just covering some trademark[...]
Keen eye collectors may look in the bargain bins at ther local comic shops or marts.
Alpha Flight Vol 2 #17, their original appearance (but published second) is also being picked up, where it couldn't be sold the day before the announcement.
Another one for the bargain bins…
Last week, Bleeding Cool brought you the news that[...]
Artist of the cancelled Alpha Flight series, Dale Eaglesham posted a few weeks ago;
This drives me absolutely crazy: Greg, Fred and I do all the work of bringing the series back and they cancel it on us Why didn't they let US do the wedding "event" which is clearly garnering attention, to stimulate readership perhaps[...]
This week, Marvel's new incentives to retailers to increase their orders of Astonishing X-Men #50, with an eye to selling it a day early, with a large
John Byrne, on the death of Guardian, from his website earlier this evening: Of course, you all know the story of how Marvel somehow managed to keep Mac's
It's been a bad couple days for Marvel news, with word of the cancellation of some well-liked titles following on the heels of layoffs at the company.
Alpha Flight's last issue is in January It was only made an ongoing series with the current issue…
Here's the full solicitation.
• The big showdown between Alpha Flight and the Master of the World!
32 PGS./Rated[...]
Chris Claremont and Alan Davis have pitched it to Marvel after all…
But for now, from a hurricane-less Fan Expo Canada comes the news that Alpha Flight will now be a continuing series by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente and Dale Eaglesham.
I think I can still hear the cheering…
Van Lente elaborates: "Wolverine was trained by[...]
Earlier today, on Alpha Flight artist Dale Eaglesham's website, a jumbled up page from the upcoming Alpha Flight #4 was posted , described as a shocking scene.
And people were encouraged to complete it Well, Bleeding Cool had a go, and it does seem to indicate some kind of superhero slaughter, with just a touch of[...]
Alpha Flight #0 Point One, here are the first five pages.
USA Today had three preview pages a few days ago Bleeding Cool has a couple more to add to the pile Alpha Flight #0 Point One, here are the first five pages.
USA Today had three preview pages a few days ago Bleeding Cool[...]
During a conference call this afternoon Marvel announced a new Alpha Flight 8-issue maxi-series written by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente with art by Dale Eaglesham The series will debut during Fear Itself, beginning in May with a prelude .1 issue drawn by Ben Oliver.
Here are some tidbits from the accompanying liveblog at[...]