Ant Jones writes;
When I was offered the opportunity to pitch my new comic project on Bleeding Cool I jumped at the chance I'd already started tentatively reaching out to a couple of publishers but this was a great chance to get out of my basement and all up in people's news feeds about a story[...]
Ant Jones Archives
Creators involved include Natalie Abadzis, Nick Abadzis, Adrian Bamforth, Jasper Bark, Donna Barr, Jordie Bellaire, Paul H Birch, Bolt-01, Dan Boultwood, Mark Buckingham, Jim Campbell, Richmond Clements, Jason Cobley, Simon Coleby, Mike Collins, Martin Conaghan, Gary Crutchley, Glenn Dakin, Al Davison, Brandon DeStefano, Benjamin Dickson, Martin Eden, Mats Engesten, Gary Erskine, Al Ewing, Glenn B[...]