The series follows the characters we all know and love, including Rainbow Dash, Pinky Pie, Apple Jack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twlight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer They navigate all sorts of problems high-schoolers face-math tests, waiting in line for the hottest new video games, stopping jewel thieves, creating fashion window displays.
I got to watch a bunch of[...]
Apple Jack Archives
Sia has released a new video for her song from the upcoming My Little Pony: The Movie! The song is called Rainbow and is sung in the film by her character.
So if Melania Trump can plagiarise Hillary Clinton… can Apple Jack steal from Donald Trump?
In the new My Little Pony comic that's exactly what happens Issue 43 by Thom Zahler, Tony Fleecs and Heather Breckel sees Apple Jack with a brand new personality, and a swished round hairstyle.
Building a wall…
Dealing with apprentices… and making them pay to[...]