Since Avengers: Age Of Ultron ended with Bruce Banner flying off to be alone… it would take something might powerful to pull him back And the rumor says that what gets him to return is the Red Hulk Now in the comics, the Red Hulk is General Thunderbolt Ross… and it just so happens that[...]
avengers: age of ultron Archives
The guys recap Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron and give their opinion on the film The gang also talk about how MAAoU revealed at different times 12 future MCU movie plots ABC releases their upfronts which is great for MAoS and Marvel's Agent Carter Speaking of Marvel's Agent Carter, Action moves west to Los Angeles[...]
In case you have forgotten that the Avengers: Age Of Ultron is in theaters right now (an has made over a billion dollars world-wide), Marvel has released a new featurette focusing on the opening battle Joss Whedon, Kevin Feige, Chris Evans and more talk about the Avengers working together as a team.
Avengers: Age of Ultron is[...]
By Jeremy Konrad I am not here to debate the portrayal of Black Widow, as portrayed by Scarlet Johansson in Age of Ultron. What I do have is an
Marvel Studios main man Kevin Feige talked about the hardest part of making a movie like Avengers: Age Of Ultron The film was shot all over the globe and with a very popular and in-demand group of actors.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron is in theaters now.
Marvel Studios main man Kevin Feige talked about the hardest[...]
If you have seen the movie, please continue for a little bit about Theta Protocol.
The following contains spoilers for the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron do not read any more if you have not seen it yet.
The movie started with the Avengers taking Strucker's base in Sekovia, finding the twins we heard about from Dr[...]
Mike and Eric also Cover a bunch of Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron, like 27 million made on sneak peek night The movie has barely made it out of the gates and you can pre-order it on Amazon and we are already teased with an alternate ending Yes, they also talk about Loki being cut out of[...]
The numbers for Avengers: Age Of Ultron are coming in and they're good but not quite what was expected Disney and Marvel are putting the film at $187.7 million which is under the $195 million that they had been looking at One of the reasons for the drop may have been the Pacquiau / Mayweather[...]
With the latest version of the Hulk in theaters this weekend in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, the Cinema Sins crew have put together an Everything Wrong With.. video for the 2003 Ang Lee Hulk film and the Ed Norton Incredible Hulk by Marvel Folks keep talking about a new standalone Hulk film, but this reminds[...]
*** This article contains spoilers for Avengers: Age Of Ultron ***
I was able to get over to see Avengers: Age Of Ultron yesterday afternoon My plan is to get over and see it again during the week, but I figure I'd share what I thought were some of the important things from the film… so[...]
During the Thank You Letter segment on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the host discussed the Hulk's purple pants and how they stretch enough to keep
Samsung Mobile and Marvel have gotten Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb to film a commercial tie in between Samsung's latest phone and the Avengers: Age Of Ultron The commercial features athletes: Lionel Messi, Eddie Lacy, John John Florence, and Fabian Cancellara, and two fans This is just part one…
Avengers: Age Of Ultron Opens Tomorrow.
Plus, who cares about Captain America's might shield when Hawkeye has waterproof socks?
Avengers: Age Of Ultron opens May 1st.
Jeremy Renner made an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon as his Avengers: Age Of Utron character Hawkeye He sang about his unique powers in a parody of Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud[...]
*** This articles contains spoilers from Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD ***
The recent episode of Agents Of SHIELD, The Dirty Half-Dozen, not only ties into the upcoming Avengers: Age Of Ultron but also brings back together the six characters that made up Phil Coulson's team when the series debuted in 2013 So how do we get[...]
As a prank to celebrate the release of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, a group called Trollstation decided to use Gorilla Glue to stick a replica of Mjlionir to the ground and then film as people walking by try to pick it up That is some pretty strong glue.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron opens on May 1st.
Sesame Street is at it again, this time parodying the upcoming Avengers: Age Of Ultron with Aveggies: Age Of Bon Bon Here Cookie Monster is Dr Brownie, who is needed to turn big and green and eat the cookie saucer that is attacking the city and covering all vegetables with dessert He is helped by[...]
With the Avengers: Age Of Ultron either out or coming out this week, the folks at How It Should Have Ended have put together this video featuring OnlyLeigh about the Five Stages Of Watching A Marvel Movie.
With the Avengers: Age Of Ultron either out or coming out this week, the folks at How It[...]
The trailer below is for the next episode of Marvel's Agents Of SHIIELD, the last episode before the premiere of Avengers: Age Of Ultron We saw most of this trailer after last weeks episode as it sets up the two versions of SHIELD joining together with Grant Ward to stop Hydra and Baron Von Strucker[...]
Could this be the very base the Avengers attack in the opening of Avengers: Age Of Ultron I'd think that would be a good bet Now, what do we think Gonzalez has in the ships cargo hold?
Update – Rich, who has seen Avengers: Age of Ultron where I have not, tells me that it is[...]
Now he is bringing in the Scarlet Witch with Avengers: Age Of Ultron In this featurette Whedon, Kevin Feige, Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen talk about the female heroes.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron opens May 1st.
Joss Whedon loves strong female characters With Avengers, he ramped up the Black Widow from the minor role she had in[...]
But Natasha is always dealing with hers and actress Scarlett Johansson talks to IGN about that and where we find the super-spy emotionally when she appears next in Captain America: Civil War.
Avengers: Age Of Ultron opens May 1st.
We know that the Black Widow, along with the other Avengers, have to deal with their past[...]
Joss Wheon was asked what was his favorite moment from filming Avengers: Age of Ultron was, the director said it was filming the final scene with all the actors miming fighting against robots He described it as the most comic bookish thing he had ever filmed, calling it: "a Bryan Hitch / George Perez melange[...]
Whedon says that the first movie was about putting the Avengers together, while the second is about tearing them apart.
Avengers: Age of Ultron is in theaters on May 1st.
In this latest featurette, Joss Whedon, Kevin Feige and more discuss the team dynamics among the Avengers and just how powerful Ultron is[...]
The latest TV spot for Avengers: Age of Ultron includes are first look at Don Cheadle as War Machine We haven't seen War Machine since Iron Man 3 Looks like the armor is updated but not drastically changed.
Avengers: Age of Ultron opens May 1st.
(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if[...]
Recently it was revealed that Avengers: Age of Ultron would have a mid-credit scene but no post-credit This is how Jimmy Kimmel felt about the news, doing a skit after his big Avengers episode last night.
Marvel fans have become accustomed to waiting through the credits for one last scene… they call the mid-credit or[...]
Last night was the world premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron and of course they did a big red carpet event Marvel has since posted a bunch of clips from the red carpet or this one big video showing the full 2 hour plus that they covered it If red carpets are your thing or[...]
First up news from Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron First round of reactions are in and seems like a 60/40 or 70/30 mix Joss Whedon also says no end credit scene (can't top shawarma) The Russo Brothers are helming Marvel's Avengers: Infinty War pt 1 and 2 The guys discuss once again because other media[...]
We've been getting a lot of snippet interviews and behind the scene shots for the new Avengers film, but here Washington, DC's FOX 5's entertainment reporter, Kevin McCarthy got to speak with Joss Whedon, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, James Spader, Paul Bettany, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johannson, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Jeremy Renner and[...]
Marvel Studios has released the character poster for The Vision from Avengers: Age of Ultron Formerly just the voice of JARVIS, Tony Stark's computer A.I., Paul Bettany is now getting to take on the physical form of a hero The Vision has been kept in the shadows during the promotion for the film with only[...]
A new Avengers: Age of Ultron featurette was tweeted by Dr Pepper yesterday after folks used the hashtag #OneOfAKindAvengers to unlock it The video looks at where the Avengers are now, how they get together and what it's like when you have a bunch of heroes who are leaders on their own trying to work[...]