Last week saw Marvel Comics dominate, this week, it's much more evenly matched with six Marvel to four DC…
Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List of the week
Batman #118
Devil's Reign #1
Inferno #3
Amazing Spider-Man #80.BEY
Hellions #18
Dark Knights of Steel #2
Superman Son of Kal- El Annual 2021 #1
Batman '89 #4
Star Wars Crimson Reign #1
Swamp Thing #10
Thanks to the[...]
Batman #118 Archives
But the biggest will be held in the river…" Today sees the publication of Batman #118, and that plays out in the opening pages.
Batman #118 artwork
And the book tries to reflect all existing continuities, because as we know from Josh Williamson's Infinite Frontier, everything happened, everything matters From parasite infections, to Fear State, to going toe-to-toe[...]