Following up their collaboration on period prostitution drama Harlots, the two comapanies have ordered six-part comedy Zomboat! from ITV-owned Noho Film & Television (Prime Suspect 1973, The Windsors).
Set to launch on ITV2 in the fall and on Hulu later this year, Zomboat! stars Leah Brotherhead (White Gold), Hamza Jeetooa (Doctor Who), Ryan McKen (White Dragon),[...]
Cara Theobold Archives
Returning home to learn her husband (Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce's Patrick Heusinger) has remarried and her son (Patrick McCauley) is being raised by another woman (Downton Abbey's Cara Theobold), she soon finds herself implicated in a new series of murders.
Absentia co-stars Patrick Heusinger as husband/FBI agent Nick; as well as Cara Theobold, Neil Jackson, Angel[...]
Returning home to learn her husband has remarried and her son is being raised by another woman, she soon finds herself implicated in a new series of murders.
Absentia co-stars Patrick Heusinger as husband/FBI agent Nick; as well as Cara Theobold, Neil Jackson, Angel Bonanni, Richard Brake, Ralph Ineson, Paul Freeman, Bruno Bichir and Patrick McAuley[...]