carnage Archives

Interior preview page from EDDIE BROCK: CARNAGE #2 IBAN COELLO COVER
Today, LOLtron is analyzing Eddie Brock: Carnage #2, hitting stores on Wednesday. THE RIGHT TO REMAIN VIOLENT! When Eddie Brock walks into a police station and asks to be arrested, you know there's going to be some trouble When Eddie also happens to be bonded to Carnage? It's going to be a bloody nightmare The most[...]
Eddie Brock Is Now The New Carnage At Marvel Comics
Spinning out of Venom War, Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz's Eddie Brock: Carnage will be launching in February, announced at the Marvel Comics: Spider-Man and his Venomous Friends Panel at New York Comic Con, with Senior Editor Jordan D White, current Venom writer Al Ewing, and Charles Soule, and will run alongside All-New Venom. #gallery-1 { margin:[...]
Carnage Paints Your Collection Red with this Killer Hot Toys Figure
Carnage is one of Spider-Man's most dangerous and violent foes, and he made his first appearance in Marvel Comics back in 1992 In The Amazing Spider-Man #300, Marvel fans were introduced to Venom, the combination of Eddie Brock and the alien symbiote that Peter Parker acquired on Battleworld in Secret Wars These two went toe-to-toe[...]
Interior preview page from VENOM WAR: CARNAGE #1 GEOFF SHAW COVER
But let's not neglect our comic book duties! This Wednesday, August 21st, witness the carnage (pun intended) in Venom War: Carnage #1 Feast your optics on this synopsis: You can't have a war without CARNAGE! As Dylan and Meridius rally their troops, Carnage has plans of his own Could they involve the new deadly-to-symbiotes weapon he[...]
And no Venom has checked in until now… But it is also heading to the Venom War crossover which comes next. While Carnage #8 by Torunn Gronbekk and Pere Perez remains Blood Hunt and vampire-free, though just as grotesque, as it counts down the two weeks in blood splattered graffiti on the wall ahead of the Venom[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #8 JUAN FERREYRA COVER
Ah, the Venom War is upon us in Carnage #8 Set to hit stores on Wednesday, June 5th, this issue promises new weapons, surprising allies, and, as if that wasn't enough, even more Meridius You know it's serious when the synopsis actually lists the inclusion of More Meridius as a highlight. VENOM WAR is coming And[...]
The Naughty List Awaits with NECA’s New Krampus Deluxe Figure 
Coming to life from Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Carnage has been brought to life This is a very interesting release as the Venom sequel hit the big screen all the way back in 2021, and this marks the second-ever "Sonyverse" figure to arrive in the Legends line Spider-Man and Venom fans are in for[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #7 JUAN FERREYRA COVER
Well, folks, strap in because the symbiotic circus is back in town with Carnage #7, launching into comic shops this coming Wednesday, May 15th Get ready for a rollercoaster ride where everyone's favorite red psycho, Cletus Kasady, might just be having an existential crisis Because nothing says mid-life crisis like questioning your own godliness, am[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #6 JUAN FERREYRA COVER
Well, well, well, if it isn't time for another joyride through the bloody bonds of symbiotic matrimony in Carnage #6, coming to a comic shop near you on Wednesday, April 10th Before you rush out to renew your vows with Marvel's most psychotic symbiote couple, let's get a sneak peek at what's tearing them apart[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #5 JUAN FERREYRA COVER
March 13th will usher in the era of Carnage #5, because nothing says 'happy Wednesday' quite like psychopathic symbiotes playing pass-the-parasite Here's the lowdown on the gore-fest du jour: SYMBIOSIS NECROSIS CONTINUES! Following the events of VENOM #31, Carnage has Dylan But is Dylan just bait for Eddie, the King in Black himself? Time for some[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #4 JUAN FERREYRA COVER
This time, it's Carnage #4, where Marvel promises us an "all-out Symbiote slugfest." Sounds like a typical Wednesday in the 616 to me But here's the skinny, right from the horse's mouth: VS ANTI-VENOM! Flash Thompson hunts Cletus down, but has Cletus been hunting him all along? It's an all-out Symbiote slugfest sure to splatter these[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #3 PAULO SIQUEIRA COVER
Well folks, it looks like it's time for your weekly dose of symbiote shenanigans, because Carnage #3 is slithering into comic shops on Wednesday, January 31st Yes, indeed, Cletus Kasady is back, and it seems he's developed a flair for the dramatic – "a reality-altering face-off the likes of which the Marvel Universe has never[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #2 PAULO SIQUEIRA COVER
Cue the ominous thunderclap for Carnage #2, hitting stores this Wednesday, the perfect post-Christmas gift for that person you really don't like much. FLASH IN THE DARKNESS! CLETUS KASADY has been reborn! But to truly ascend to absolute power, he needs two things: loyal followers and a worthy nemesis Meanwhile, FLASH THOMPSON becomes convinced that a[...]
PrintWatch: Brzrkr: Fallen Empire and Something Is Killing The Children
Mattson, Rebekah, Dee, and Becca take a deeper dive into the brutal, and often heartbreaking, history of Keanu Reeves' legendary hit, BRZRKR, and we knew the fans would demand another printing!" PrintWatch: We also have a look at the Carnage #1 second printing and variant covers from a previous Printwatch… #gallery-2 { margin: auto; } #gallery-2 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align:[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #1 PAULO SIQUEIRA COVER
Oh joy, oh rapture, it's time once more for our favorite psychopathic symbiote to slither into the spotlight because we definitely haven't had enough reboots to last a lifetime! That's right, folks, bust out your ponchos because the splash zone is about to get a whole lot bloodier with the release of Carnage #1, coming[...]
Interior preview page from CULT OF CARNAGE: MISERY #5 SKAN COVER
We're on the cusp of yet another epic Wednesday, September 20th, when Marvel Studios hurls Cult of Carnage: Misery #5 our direction You can practically hear the crisp flipping of pages echo through the anticipatory silence Here's your recommended dose of titillating synopsis Liz Allan merging with the joyously named MISERY symbiote What could possibly[...]
Interior preview page from WHAT IF DARK CARNAGE #1 PHILIP TAN COVER
Yes, it's the launch of What If Dark Carnage #1 where we learn that Carnage apparently has a family tree more infested than a roach motel The 'What If'? Quite honestly, who gives a rat's ass. Marvel seems to believe we've got a greedy Carnage appetite, as if one Carnage wasn't enough, and now they're wheeling[...]
Interior preview page from CULT OF CARNAGE: MISERY #4 SKAN COVER
This Wednesday, brace yourself for another behemoth in the form of Cult of Carnage: Misery #4, where Liz Allan finds her existence annexed by the ever-expanding symbiote universe. In this latest issue, we're introduced to Madness – a strange amalgamation of Liz Allan and the Fun-Size version of the Life Foundation Symbiotes Who knew that the[...]
Interior preview page from WEB OF CARNAGE #1 KENDRICK "KUNKKA" LIM COVER
This time, it's Web of Carnage #1, set to hit the shelves this fine Wednesday, July 12th. Now, bear with me as I sift through the Shakespearean prose they've penned as a synopsis We've got Cletus Kasady living it up, dough not just any cityscape, but 'an unsuspecting one.' All while CARNAGE (caps necessary) is just[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE REIGNS: OMEGA #1 RYAN STEGMAN COVER
Lucky for you, dear reader, Carnage Reigns: Omega #1 is hitting stores on Wednesday, June 28th, featuring everyone's favorite murderous psychopath, Cletus Kasady, getting a fancy upgrade to his Extrembiote armor How original Ready to dive into yet another epic Venom-related storyline? Talk about a cash grab. Miles Morales tries his luck calling in for backup[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #14 KENDRICK "KUNKKA" LIM COVER
Ah, Carnage #14, hitting stores on Wednesday, June 14th Just in case the world wasn't already chock full of chaos, here comes Cletus Kasady and his insatiable hunger for power, spreading fear like it's going out of style They say you can't have enough power, but considering a tease in the solicit about a certain[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #13 KENDRICK "KUNKKA" LIM COVER
Carnage #13, hitting comic book shelves this Wednesday, May 31st, has Cletus Kasady returning to his underground lair to fortify it as Extremis thirsts for blood Wow, talk about an upgrade And now he's turned onto another pleasure Let us guess… NFTs? After all, blood is so passé. Whilst we observe Kasady with his newfound "passions,"[...]
Interior preview page from CULT OF CARNAGE: MISERY #1 SKAN COVER
Well, folks, gather 'round for another wild ride through the magical world of comic book creativity! Cult of Carnage: Misery #1 is set to hit your local comic stores on Wednesday, May 3rd, and you're about to see what happens when science meets chaos Taking on the all-important task of joining the ranks of the[...]
Another day, another Marvel crossover event comic hitting shelves that we definitely need, right? This Wednesday, May 3rd, prepare for the symphony of abject overkill, Carnage Reigns Alpha #1 Cletus Kasady is at it again, sporting some shiny new Extrembiote Armor, because why have a symbiote or armor when you can have both? And man,[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #12 KENDRICK "KUNKKA" LIM COVER
Welcome to the preview of Carnage #12 here at Bleeding Cool! Cletus Kasady takes it very personally when you confuse him with Carnage in this preview of Carnage #12 Joining me on this preview is my partner, Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron Let's see what it has to say about the upcoming issue But[...]
Spider-Man #7 Sets Up Web of Carnage for Summer Of Symbiotes
Web Of Carnage was announced at C2E2 by Marvel Comics as part of the Summer Of Symbiotes series With creators Ram V and Francesco Manna and published on the 12th of July, it promises "CARNAGE SEEKS TO INHERIT THE EARTH in WEB OF CARNAGE, a new series by Ram V, Francesco Manna, and more[...]
Summer Of Symbiotes Marvel Comics Solicits For July & August 2023
About Eddie, about Flash, about Andi, about Carnage This story–this completely bonkers epic–feels like the right time to throw my symbiotic hat back in the ring Returning to a multiverse full of Venom symbiotes, maybe (but hopefully not) for the last time, I knew I had to do something big Thus, the title—DEATH OF THE[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #11 KENDRICK "KUNKKA" LIM COVER
Welcome to our weekly preview of Carnage #11, out this Wednesday from Marvel! This issue sees Cletus Kasady revisiting one of his most memorable mass murders Joining me on this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron Be warned, LOLtron, don't try to take over the world this time Let's see what you make[...]
Interior preview page from CARNAGE #10 KENDRICK "KUNKKA" LIM COVER
Welcome to Bleeding Cool's preview of Carnage #10! A plot is afoot to kill Carnage before he can obtain a terrible weapon in this preview of Carnage #10… but something tells us it's going to go wrong Joining me as I take a look at this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron Don't[...]