Do you think there is any validity at all in anything Wertham had to say about comic books and juvenile delinquency?
RAEJ: Let me go on record – I am jealous of Carol Tilley! I'm glad she's featured in the film! I went through those archives, just like she did, but she found it! She uncovered what[...]
carol tilley Archives
Wright, author of Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America, librarian and professor Carol Tilley, whose research into Wertham's methodology proved that his work on comics was scientifically unsubstantiated, and forensic psychiatrists Dr Praveen R Kambam and Dr Vasilis K Pozios, who serve as mental health consultants for entertainment industries through their[...]
Carol Tilley, Associate Professor, GSLIS, University of Illinois; and Charles Brownstein, Executive Director, CBLDF
Ray Flook wrote from New York Comic Con for Bleeding Cool;
Like many die-hard comic book fans, for a long time I felt I already knew everything I needed to know about Dr Fredric Wertham: he was a conservative "nut-job" who went after[...]
Here's a great selection.
Integrating Comics:Moderating the panel was Josh Elders who is involved with Reading with On the panel was Carol Tilley from University of Illinois and Jim McClain Josh talked about Reading with Pictures and how it's purpose is to make graphic novel text books that could be used in class[...]
University of Illinois assistant professor Carol Tilley writes for Bleeding Cool;
First, forgive me my errors and omissions: I'm a comics scholar, not a comics journalist, so this is not a standard con accounting I got to spend about ten hours ensconced at C2E2, held in the behemoth but civilized-enough-to-have-a-salad-bar McCormick Place West building[...]