Charge, the leader of a newly formed superhero team, discovers his friends' powers date back to the dawn of time and have been on display during some of the most infamous moments in history.
A couple of years ago, I discovered the film, ALL SUPERHEROES MUST DIE I had rented it from Netflix and it sat[...]
Charge Archives
So the parcel delivery system Parcelforce have been ordered to make a charge of £8.27 VAT for Inland Revenue And they themselves have added an £8 charge as a clearance fee.
Now you should be able to call them up and get this cleared, point out that the goods in question are zero rated for VAT[...]
This Week's Reviews:
Blastosaurus #10
Brandi Bare #4
Greye of Scotland Yard
The Only Living Boy #3
Parallel Man: Invasion America #2
Charge #1
Memetic #1
Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Witches #2
Edward Scissor Hands #1
Goners #1
Small Pressed: A Sextet from Submit
By Graig Kent
Back in my youth, I had an aspiration to read all the comics[...]