Children of Men Archives

Come and See: This Russian War Movie Birthed 1917 and Children of Men
Recent films like Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men and Sam Mendes' 1917 owe everything to Come and See Yet, hardly any reviews or write-ups acknowledge the influence it had on those movies, and the impact is massive Those movies might not exist without it. Post for Come and See, Janus, The Criterion Collection Co-written and directed by[...]
Krzysztof Penderecki
The 1960 piece won a UNESCO prize and is most notably featured in David Lynch's Twin Peaks television series as well as the 2006 film Children of Men. Krzysztof Penderecki won 4 Grammy awards and was the recipient of the 1968 National Trustees Award Throughout his numerous career collaborations, perhaps his most surprising is with Radiohead[...]