This week sees the debut of a new on-going Image Comics series called Citizen Jack The horror-comedy series comes from Sam Humphries (Guardians of the Galaxy) and artist Tommy Patterson (Game of Thrones) It tells the tale of Jack Northworthy, a scandal-plagued politician running for president with the help of a demon named Marlinspike.
To promote[...]
Citizen Jack Archives
Citizen Jack #1 arrives from Image Comics on November 4th, written by Sam Humphries, with art by Tommy Patterson The series is described as a "horror comedy for anyone who hates politics" Ok, I think plenty of comics readers would probably identify as such It features a presidential candidate who has the help of a[...]
Tommy Patterson talks through his procedural work for Citizen Jack, the upcoming comic from Image Comics written by Sam Humphries…
I'l going to explain my process and how I decided to do a complete overhaul of my style.
Citizen Jack is a 180 from what I was doing on Game of Thrones[...]