Comics Archives

In One Week, In Two Weeks – The Final Locke & Key And A Comic-Deprived Christmas
Next week sees issue ones for previous issue zeroes Ghost and Harley Quinn, the launch of Teen Titans Go and the Illegitimates, 8Bit Zombies from Antarctic, Midas Flesh from Boom! and the final Locke & Key. The week after that? Not so much… DARK HORSE COMICS BLOODHOUND CROWBAR MEDICINE #3 $3.99 BPRD HELL ON EARTH #114 $3.50 BUZZKILL #4 $3.99 CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT #6 $2.99 CONAN THE[...]
ComiXology All Over The World – What do Charlie Sheen and The Walking Dead have in common?
Instead, China enjoyed things from swamps, seven issues of Swamp Thing taking up the majority of the top ten – in reverse chronological order, too! United States The Walking Dead #118 $2.99 Justice League (2011-) #25 $3.99 Batman (2011-) #26 $3.99 Justice League 3000 (2013-) #1 $2.99 Justice League of America (2013-) #10 $3.99 Uncanny X-Men #15.INH $3.99 Wolverine and the X-Men #39[...]
Frank Miller's Back… And A Good Thing Too, Looking At Advance Reorders
Greetings from the coal face of the direct comics market Where retailers try to increase their orders of certain comics ahead of sale Where supply and demand and most accurately reflected, where you can see which books are hot, where new orders are coming in and how retailers are reacting to new, unanticipated desire! The second[...]
Wolverine #12 To Be A Game Changer In September 2014
Looks like DC Comics have a challenger for September domination. For the first time, Marvel is offering an exchangeability program for the upcoming March launch of a new Wolverine ongoing comic as part of All New Marvel Now, by Paul Cornell and Ryan Stegman. Retailers are encouraged to order lots and lots – and rather than make[...]
Annie Bonnie's Journey Begins In March
Previewed at New York Comic Con (preview embedded belowed) by relatively new publisher Blue Juice Comics, a new pirate comic Annie Bonnie, by Tim Yates. "There are many tails in the world: rat tails, cat tails, skinny tales and fat tales but the only ones worth speakin' of… the only ones worth tellin'… are the tall[...]
Jersey Con This Weekend Is Going To Be Christmas-Spectacular
They are: Steve DeJoseph Photo-Op Frazetta VHSPS Hot Flips Mike DeCarl JP Hobbies Zombie, Inc. Sam McCain Paramedic Zombies Glenn tippett Scare Tactics Frank Frai Kolpack Living Corpse Jeff Zornow Damon Bowie Michael Pomeroy Shadows on the Wall Sean Posters Primo Cardinelli Fangs by Horror Show Jack Roundstone Publishing Zenescope Bloodline J&J Collectibles John Powers DVD Brian's Alter Egos John Pross Equinox Art Studios Davey Jones Locker Terry Hudelston Michael Lutrario Megafest Stormwatch Comics Richard Masso Lisa Conrad Comic Explosion Pete Collectors Den Mike Decarl Manda Craig Blake Jason Paul Guidry Glen Tippett Jason Casey Martin Grams Stan Lee Charities Gary Platt Scott Strata Pasquale[...]
The Macclesfield From Space – Duck Dare & Hero Hound
I'd contacted him awhile back wondering if he'd be interested in writing a piece on my adventures as a cartoonist in the wild world of comics and to possibly talk about my self-published comic MAN FROM SPACE It seems he runs they a pretty cool paper, interested in what was really going on in the[...]
The Milestones Show – Michael Davis, From The Edge
Dingle, Christopher Priest, and I founded Milestone Media. Milestone was a worldwide phenomenon when it launched, and it sold millions. Our groundbreaking arrangement with DC Comics, the largest joint venture deal ever done in comics, is still the gold standard for independent publishers seeking distribution with a major one. 20 years later, Milestone is still regarded as the[...]
What Creators Really Get Out Of Cons – The Devastator Survey Numbers Are In
The Comedy Comics Magazine The Devastator ran a poll among indie comics creators to learn what their needs are when it comes to conventions and shows in an effort to help make those shows more welcoming for creator-owned projects The wide array of shows that the survey ended up reporting on is truly impressive, including[...]
Will Day Men #2 Follow The Same Trend as Issue #1?
Plus another exclusive variant with Cards, Comics, and Collectibles. Day Men #1 was a big hit for BOOM! With a potentially under-ordered issue #2, are we looking at more aftermarket heat and a potential sold out status?   Bleeding Cool has been tracking the BOOM! Studios original series, Day Men, since before the first issue released The[...]
When Dan DiDio Fixed Detective Comics #27 Subscription Problems – A Christmas Poem
Two weeks before Christmas, And all through offices Not a creature was stirring Except for some promises. A letter was sitting On the co-publisher's desk From a reader, a subscriber Who was feeling most vexed. "I'm appalled" said the letter. "I live out in Devon. And I won't get Detective Comics #27". I'm far from a shop I'm far from a store And the start of Gothtopia I won't see[...]
DC Comics Cancels Batman: The Dark Knight (UPDATE)
This is all very well timed for… that. Batman: The Dark Knight writer Gregg Horwitz posted, in what now seems to be DC's official policy of announcing the end of comics by getting the writers to do it on their personal blogs; Batman is forever, but sadly not all of his titles are Batman: The Dark Knight[...]
Frank Miller's Cover For Detective Comics #27 Is Back – What Happened?
The top advanced reordered comic for last week… suddenly no longer existed. Detective Comics #27 Cover B used to be the Frank Miller cover But then DC Comics cancelled the cover So the entire order for that separately-ordered variant has gone… poof! And since FOC was set before the cover was cancelled, retailers may well not[...]
Getting To The Heart Of Moriarty – David Liss Talks About The New Series
As you say, so much has been built up about him in film, television, comics, and post-Doyle Holmes novels and short stories, so the real trick, I thought, was to ignore everything I thought I knew about Moriarty and go back to the source Rather than that being difficult, it's more of a blank check[...]
2D Cloud Announces 2014 Releases – And A Christmas Contest
2D Cloud, an independent publisher handling some of the most notable darlings of the indie comics circuit, produces comic works in a wide array of formats and styles, but the guarantee is that they'll be weird and wonderful In the lead up to Christmas, they've announced five big books coming in 2014, and also a[...]
Plastic Man – A Continuity Issue For Five Years Later To Fix?
When Five Years Later was first envisioned at DC Comics, it was designed to fix a few of the continuity goofs that had happened when the New 52 was launched. Well, from today's Justice League #25, here's another to add to the pile. Rather well executed, we get the origin of the New 52 version of Plastic[...]