Comics Archives

Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 23rd June 2014 – Uncannily Original
It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion. Uncanny X-Men is booming across the board, overtaking the mainstay of Batman Eternal, with only the event book Original Sin beating them both (and[...]
The Coming Digital Inflection Point
Project: The Economics of Digital Comics Creators Involved: Todd AllenCampaign End Date: 7/18/14. Publishing Date: September 2014. Ye Olde Elevatore Pitche: Exploring how digital comics make money and where they fit in the overall comics market.   Todd Allen writes, I don't really get to engage in idle speculation very often over at Publisher's Weekly, but this is Bleeding Cool, so[...]
At the Intersection of Comics and Banjo
1X: short comics by Charles Butler, a Kickstarter campaign, close date: Wednesday, July 16th Charles Butler writes, At some point in high school I made the conscious choice to pursue becoming a professional banjo player It was a difficult decision to make, not for the obvious reasons, but because I felt I inevitably had to sacrifice another lofty goal,[...]
Kevin Eastman On The Turtles Odyssey Of His Life And The New Film At Heroes Con 2014
But growing up in comics means that there are writers and artists they have always followed and are used to seeing creative team change while following characters they liked His favorite version of Turtles is his own version of the comics, though he appreciates all their incarnation. Blackard asked what place Mirage Studios had in creating[...]
How Saturday Morning Cartoons Influenced Reynard City
All of those are excellent cartoons based on comics (and in the case of original Batman it went on to influence the comics they were based on!) However in terms of the influence on the relationships of our characters this one just has the edge Oh and of course the theme tune and opening sequence. Samurai Pizza[...]
The Devil Without, Out And About
Ian Harvey Stone writes, A few weeks ago, you may have read about my crowd funding project for The Devil Without on Bleeding Cool. It's on! It's going to
'Dark Stuff' Is All About Mood – Horror Comics With Ben Templesmith, Rafael Albuquerque, Rachel Deering, Matthew Roberts And Vanesa Del Rey At Heroes Con 2014
Heroes Con once again proved somewhat innovative in bringing together this thematic grouping on Saturday, and it was a very interesting conversation among professionals, helping define what horror in comics means right now Adam Daughhetee moderated a panel featuring Ben Templesmith, Rafael Albuquerque, Rachel Deering, Matthew Roberts, and Vanesa Del Rey about their life and[...]
Tin Not Tintin
Two trades are planned as well as a release through comiXology. The best way to get updates and news for Tin is by visiting or By Ilya Dvilyanski I'm incredibly lazy. At least that's what I was saying until yesterday when it suddenly dawned on me that staying up till 3 to work on a comic[...]
'Whenever Sales Go Down, Somebody Dies' – The Marvel Writers Panel With Kelly Sue DeConnick, Jim Starlin, Jason Latour And Dennis Hopeless At Heroes Con 2014
He's always cognitively processing something, so he also does writing at that point. All of the panelists were asked, "When you're scripting a book, how do you generate panels? Organically on a page-by-page basis or do you have a bunch of layouts you pull from as situation requires?" Hopeless said, "Usually it's pretty organic, picking the moments,[...]
Liam York Says Sorry. To Everyone.
A few months ago, Bleeding Cool ran this story, The Inspiration Of Liam York. In which we noted that artist Liam York was being repeatedly called out for
Figment #2 Sells Out And Goes To Second Print Already
Yesterday, we let you know that Figment #1 was attracting some speculator attention, as Disney fans of the theme park figure tried in vain to by copies from their local comic shop. Well, that seems to have done the trick. I'm told that the second issue of Figment (rigt) has now sold out at Diamond Comic Distributors, after[...]
Chuck Dixon's Punisher Vs Dinosaurs Vs Conservatives
One of us, Chuck, expressed the opinion that a frank story line about AIDS was not right for comics marketed to children His editors rejected the idea and asked him to apologize to colleagues for even expressing it Soon enough, Chuck got less work. This has been transformed online into the blacklisting story again It was[...]
Pop Culture Hounding Tim Daniel Over Enormous
by Chris Thompson [audio:] Following on from last week's episode with Sina Grace & Daniel Freedman (which you can still listen to here), this time around I'm back with Tim Daniel, who recently appeared on the show with Jeremy Holt. Tim & I discuss the route he took breaking into comics, how design (and designers) have become a more focal[...]
Life After Spider-Man 2099 With An Original Sin – Advance Reorder Chart
Greetings from the coal face of the direct comics market Where retailers try to increase their orders of certain comics ahead of sale Where supply and demand and most accurately reflected, where you can see which books are hot, where new orders are coming in and how retailers are reacting to new, unanticipated desire! Spider-Man 2099[...]