Cryptic Games Archives

"Magic: Legends" Discord Reveals New Info - "Magic: The Gathering"
The official Discord for the upcoming MMO action-RPG by Cryptic Games, Magic: Legends, has revealed some new information on the game, based on the tabletop trading card game Magic: The Gathering According to this Discord board, there is a randomized mechanic of being able to cast spells, which in essence means that the game is also a[...]
"Magic: Legends" MMO Out 2020 - "Magic: The Gathering"
Recently, they've come out with various gimmicks for their trading card game (the original tabletop version), and have been pushing Magic: The Gathering: Arena, their digital version of their trading card game, more and more as of late. But what comes next is something that is mind-blowing: Wizards is working with Cryptic Games, the studio behind Neverwinter, to[...]