By Michele Brittany, West Coast Correspondent
Douglas Wolk (Reading Comics) hosted the Historical Comics and Graphic Novels panel Thursday afternoon at San Diego Comic Con International He was joined by writers and artists publishing historical oriented stories and biographies, which include Lora Innes (The Dreamer), Sara Ryan (Escape From Alcatraz), Matt Phelan (The Storm in the[...]
Douglas Wolk Archives
The Renaissance, however, brought about a paradigm shift in painting, with virtually all works, "however specific or particular their actions, characters, place, or time–representing[ing] an event through an isolated moment" (Steiner 150).
This was more often than not the climax of a story and came to be known as the "pregnant moment", defined by Douglas Wolk[...]
As a person interested in better understanding the use color and decisions made with it comes to color, I was anxious to hear what the artists had to say.
Writer of Eisner Award winning book Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean (2008), Douglas Wolk moderated the panel Color Design in Comics[...]
Right now, he's the artist on the new run of IDW's Judge Dredd comics in Judge Dredd: Mega-City Two, written by Douglas Wolk The team have kicked off their arc, with the second issue coming out this week, and Farinas talks with Bleeding Cool here about self-promotion for artists, breaking the stranglehold of depicting solely[...]