exceptional x-men Archives

Exceptional X-Men Will Go Beyond Ten Issues, But Most New Series Won't
That is the intent." And recalled it when Marvel recently cancelled NYX, X-Force and X-Factor at issue 10 despite seemingly decent enough sales. At the weekend in his Substack newsletter, Marvel Comics SVP, Executive Editor and X-Men Group Editor Tom Brevoort answered concerns being expressed about the Exceptional X-Men comic book series, less action packed and[...]
Marvel begins with second printings for Exceptional X-Men #1, and Spider Boy #11 for the 9th of October, and Aliens Vs Avengers #1 which also comes with a 1:25 tiered variant for the 16th of October. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in[...]
So What's Happening With Iceman In The X-Men Then?
But maybe we will get in early? As Exceptional X-Men #1 launched today And while Iceman isn't in the comic book per se… …the QR Code at the back (yes, that's still a thing) reveals that he is on his way to Chicago to join the Exceptional X-Men and on the look for… someone[...]
X-Men From The Ashes
Eve L Ewing writer of September's upcoming Exceptional X-Men #1 for Marvel's X-Men From The Ashes relaunch, tells us "those who know that I was a poet long before becoming a comics creator will appreciate that Exceptional X-Men, in a world full of X-adjectives, simply sounds really good But right now, they are exceptional in[...]
First Look Inside Exceptional X-Men #1 by Eve L Ewing & Carmen Carnero
Kitty Pryde and Emma Frost lead the new X-Men team, in Exceptional X-Men by Eve L Ewing and Carmen, one of the three core series of the X-Men's upcoming From the Ashes era And we have the first look inside the series As we meet Bronze for the first time… "EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN begins with Kitty trying[...]
She's Called "Kitty Pryde" In Exceptional X-Men #1
Marvel EVP and X-Men Group Editor Tom Brevoort talked up the new Exceptional X-Men series on the Homo Superior Podcast recently, from the upcoming X-Men: From The Ashes line. "Exceptional X-Men is sort of like the third leg on the stool of what X-Men is about, and that is, X-Men as a school School for Young[...]
She's Called "Kitty Pryde" In Exceptional X-Men #1
But now, with From The Ashes, she is taking on the name Kitty Pryde again, it seems, teamed with Emma Frost for the new comic Exceptional X-Men by Eve L Ewing and Carmen Carnero. "From the New Mutants to the Hellions, discovering you're a mutant in the Marvel Universe has never been easy, and in the wake[...]