Fred Harper Archives

Toxic Avenger
Matt Bors of the comic book journalism publisher The Nib is writing a new Toxic Avenger comic book drawn by Fred Harper for Ahoy Comics, based on the cult classic Troma movies To be published in October as a five-issue series, it is intended to combine elements of the movies with the 1991 cartoon Toxic Crusaders[...]
Cover image for HIGHBALL #1 CVR A HARPER (MR)
We looked at the launch of Highball #1 from Stuart Moore and Fred Harper at Ahoy Comics earlier in the month, you can take a look here With all the solicitations for everything else Ahoy comics has in their September 2022 solicits and solicitations below… #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border:[...]
Highball by Stuart Moore & Fred Harper
Highball is a new comic book series about a drunk space pilot attempting to save the galaxy, one pint at a time, written by Stuart Moore, drawn by Fred Harper, coloured by Lee Loughridge, and letterered Rob Steen from Ahoy Comics, launching in September 2022 Hey, it's not that unbelievable, Russian cosmonauts are especially known[...]